Chapter 12: Getting A House

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-next morning-

I woke up and checked the time it was 7am. That's a bit early. Only got a few hours of sleep. I look over and see (name) is still sleeping. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen. I start making breakfast for me and (name) while she's still asleep. So she has something to eat when she wakes up. I made pancakes, oatmeal, eggs and some yogurt with a cup of orange. When i was finished i went to our bedroom to wake up (name) but she's already awake coming out of the bathroom. "Morning toots. I made us breakfast". I told her. "Morning red." (name) said with a blush. I chuckled when she called me red for a nickname. I walk up to her and give her a quick kiss on the lips. "Let's enjoy our morning and breakfast you made for us red." she says and gives me a kiss back and heads out the room to the kitchen. I follow after her. "Sit down while I make you a plate.'' I told her. I grab a plate and put the food on it and give it to her. I make my own plate and sit down across from her. We started eating and I put on some classical music from the radio. "We should start looking for a house for us.'' I say out loud. "Yeah we do, what are we looking for or want in the house?" (name) said wondering. "One floor or two floors? Just 3 rooms or more? We will have to get a car or van too?" I say a few things. "Maybe one floor? And maybe 4 rooms? That extra room can be a guest room or office or a playroom?" (name) says. "Let me get my laptop and we can start looking for a plan. We should write down what we want in the house and see if we can find one that has some of the stuff?" I say as I get my laptop. "What should the price range be?" (name) says in a worried voice. "Don't worry toots, I have money saved up. Been saving since I started working." I reassured her. "That's amazing wade. I don't want you to use all your money. I want to pinch half for the house too." (name) says with seriousness in her voice. I chuckle. "Ok 50/50 on the house." I told her.

We looked up a few houses inside the city and outside the city. Also what we want in the house. After a while I found some houses for what we're looking for. Some houses are within the city and a few outside the city. There were some with our price range but they were small. After about 30 minutes of looking at different houses we found one that looks perfect for us. It's 816,000, outside the city has 4 rooms and a basement and attic. It has a nice piece of land and there's an open house today from 9am to 4pm. "We should get ready to see it. It's a bit of a drive." i inform (name). "Yes, let's get ready and head over there. I start work at 2 today." she says. We finished breakfast and I washed the while (name) gets ready. "I'm going to take a quick shower." She says as she's walking to the room. I hear the shower running while I'm doing some cleaning before we have to leave. When I'm done I head to the bedroom and get some nice clean clothes for myself. I get dressed and wait for (name) to finish getting ready. After about 30 minutes (name) comes out of the bathroom ready. She grabs her stuff she needs before we head off to the open house. We make sure we have everything and head out to the vespa. I drove off.

(i don't know how the whole buying a house goes. So I'm just writing what makes sense?)(the house is from the simpsons)


Can't believe we found a house. We're on our way there now. Hopefully it looks better in person. After an hour we got to the open house. When we pulled up to the house it looked beautiful. "Wow Wade, this house is beautiful." I say in awe. Wade parked the vespa on the curb and we got off. We walked to the house. There were already a few people there. The realtor was standing by the front door and talking to a couple. We walked to her and she introduced herself. "hello my name is Mrs. Ashburn. You're welcome to look around and if you need to ask questions please do." she says as she gives us a booklet about the house. Me and Wade walked in and started looking around. We were at the entrance of the house. The living room was to the left of the house and the dining room to the right. There were stairs in front of us and there was a hall that led to the door. We walked to the living room and saw it was very spacious. We saw that there was a family room connected. "We will have lots of space for the kids to run around. One room can be their playroom area and the other for when we have friends over.'' I say to wade. "That says good. We would have to babyproof the room." he says as we walk into the kitchen. "Very big. Twice as big compared to our apartment one." Wade said and we looked around the kitchen. We saw that there was a path still going. We went down it and saw a small bathroom for the downstairs floor. Next to it was a room. "This one can be a guest room or an office for you wade?" I thought outloud. "Yea this one could be an office room for me. I will have to keep the door locked. Don't want friends or little ones walking in here and doing something that will get them hurt." Wade said, clarifying. I nod at his statement. We keep walking and see there are three doors. We open the first one and it's the garage. 'When we get a van it will fit and the vespa too or maybe get two small cars?' I thought. We go to the next one and it leads to the basement. We don't go down there. The last door leads outside. We go back to the stairs and go up. We checked out the rooms and there are four rooms and two bathrooms, one is in the master bedroom there is also a hall closet and an attic. "The kids can have their own room and the small one can be an office for you." Wade tells me. We stayed in a room and talked for a bit. "This house is perfect for us. The kids can have their own room and won't have to fight for the bigger one or anything for a while. Plus we get our own office. Lots of storage space and a big yard." I said to him. "You make good points." he comments. We go and look at all the rooms again and keep talking about the house. After about a bit over an hour we made a choice. "Are we getting it?" I asked wade. "Yes it's perfect for us." he answers. We go find Mrs. Ashburn and tell her we want to buy the house. "Mrs. Ashburn, we would like to buy the house." Wade said. "That's fantastic. I'll go get the paperwork started." Mrs. Ashburn informs us. She walks off and comes back with papers. "Just fill out the paperwork and we'll talk about the payment afterwards." she says as she gives us the papers. We take the paper and find a table and start filling it out. After 10 minutes we are done. We give them back to Mrs. Ashburn. She gives the papers a look over to make sure everything is good. "Everything looks good. I'll call you when the current owners are moved out and when you'll make the payment." she informed us. She leaves again and tells the other people that are here that the house got bought. All the other people leave. We leave after everyone is gone. And get back on the vespa and drive home. Takes us an hour to get back into the city.

-time skip- (2 weeks later)

It's been two weeks now since we bought the house and I just got off a call and the payment went through and we can move in when we want now. I tell Wade the good news and we hug and kiss. It got pretty heated. After our heated makeout session we talk about what stuff we need to move. We make a list and go get the stuff. As we were going to the vespa I realized we still needed to get a car. We called for a taxi and took it to a preowned car shop. After we got there we found a minivan for a cheap price. We filled out the paperwork and paid the price of $1,000. We get in the van and drive it to a moving store and buy boxes, tape and bubble wrap. We pack the stuff in the van and drive it back to the apartment. We get the stuff and take it to the apartment. We start to pack up a few things. Some stuff gets thrown into the boxes and others we wrap it in bubble wrap. After about two hours we packed up a few boxes in the van and drove to the house. We spent all day packing boxes into the van and driving back to the house. After a few hours we finished moving everything into our house. We started unpacking the boxes and setting up the house with our stuff. The house was still pretty empty but over time it will get filled. We set our room first and fill one of the twins' rooms. We will paint the twins room in a few days. We will need to get another set of baby stuff for the other baby's room.

After a busy day we finally finished for today. It was late when we finished. I ordered some pizza and watched some tv while in bed on the floor. As we were watching tv to talk about what we need to do and get we fell asleep while watching tv.

Edited: 4-28-24

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