Chapter 6: Blind Date

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I say goodbye to Deadpool and head out of the apartment. I go down the stairs to the ground floor and wait for my friend to pick me up. My phone rings. I see it (f/n). 

Ring Ring Ring Ring

I answered my phone. 

me: "hello?"

Friend: "hey where are you? I'm at your place. Are you bailing out on your blind date? 

Me: '(F/N) sounds mad. she knows I'm going on this stupid blind date.' (F/N) I'm bailing out and I'm outside. 

(F/N): Ok, good. Don't want it to be like last time. Also I don't see you? Where are you? 

Me: I'm outside. ‘Then it hit me. I forgot to tell (f/n) I moved. Shit, I forgot to tell you. I moved, I'll send you my new address. It's not too far from my old place. 

(F/N): What? When? Send me your new address. ‘She hangs up’  

Me: I hung up my phone too. I sent her my new address. 

When we hung up and I waited for her to pick me up. After 1o minutes I see her car pull up. She stops the car and I get in. As we were heading to the restaurant called Eden’s Garden. I started thinking on the ride there. ‘The restaurant, It’s nice, fancy and expensive. My blind date picked the restaurant. Not sure why this one. I don't think valets make that much money, right? I don't make a lot of money as a waiter. I won't be able to afford the food.’ I think to myself.  On the ride there (f/n) tells me about my date but I wasn't paying attention. 

We get to the restaurant, (f/n) parks her car and we get out of her car. As we were walking to the front door I saw (f/n) boyfriend Marco with another guy, guessing that's my date. When we get to them (f/n) hugs and kisses marco. I say hello to my date. He just looks at me with a weird look. “(y/n) this is your date James. James this is (y/n). Let's go inside and enjoy our dinner.” (f/n) said. She loops her arm in Marcos and they walk inside the restaurant. I follow them and James right behind me. The hostset takes us to our table. We sit down and look at the menu. James sits in front of me and (f/n) next to me and Marco infront of her and James next to him. 

(not sure what type of fancy food or drinks they have. Looked up fancy food and drinks)

The server comes to our table and says her name is Emma. “What would you like to drink?” she asks. We all order red wine and she writes it down. “Do you know what you would like?” she asks. “Yes, I am.” Marco says. “I'll have the Double-smoked salmon with horseradish cream.” he says as he puts the menu down. Emma writes that down. “I'll have the Roast Duck with Blackberry-Orange Sauce.” (f/n) says. Emma writes that down. “I'll have the Beef Steak Wellington.” James says. Emma writes it down. ‘That's the most expensive thing on the menu.’ i think. Emma writes that down. “I'll have the Pan-Seared Salmon with Tomato Pesto.” I said. ‘That meal was one of the cheapest things on the menu.’ I say to myself. Emma wrote down my order. “Ok great choice. Your orders will be out soon. I'll take your menus." She says. We give her our menus. She takes them and leaves. She heads to the back to put in our orders. 

“So James (f/n) tells me you work with her as a valet?” I asked him. “Yes, I do. Been working there for a few months now.” James answers. “What did you work at before?” I ask him. “I used to work at a cellphone place but it wasn't making a lot of money so the owner let us go and sold the building. I think it's a pawn shop now?” He says. “Wow, sorry you had to lose your job that way.” I told him. “That's ok, that was one of the jobs I had. I was able to get this valet job a month after I lost my job selling cell phones. I also work at a fast food place.” He says with a smile at the end. “That's good you got another job.” I told him. “Thanks.” he says with a smile. We talked while we waited for our food to come. We were having a nice time.

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