Chapter 1

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I looked down at the puddle of blood with little pieces of flesh and hairs floating on the surface. I think I prefer her in this form, but I really need to bring her back in one piece like I promised. 

I waited till Sixer and Fez went out of the room, right out of the basement, to the kitchen. I heard the vending machine fall back in place and I released my magic who swirled around in the room. I focused on the bloody rests before me and snapped my fingers, focusing on my mental image of how she looked when she was alive. The rests were engulfed in my signature blue flames and slowly Shooting's stars form emerged of it with her signature Shooting Star sweater that she wore when she was younger, even if now she is older. I wish I don't have to do that, but I have to hold up my end of the bargain. So what do I have to do next? Let's think about it... I counted with my fingers. To resurrect someone you need 1. powerful magic. I have plenty of magic thanks to Dipper, so it should be enough. 2. The body of the person I need to resurrect. Check. Hum what was the third step again? Ah yes, I need to restore her mind-scape. But for that, I need to be in a place where she feels good... The Attic!

I snapped my fingers again, levitating her body and we went upstairs. As we walked/ floated by the kitchen I saw Sixer and Fez drinking some clear liquid in a glass. I don't even want to know what they are drinking. Fez lifted his head and glanced at us before returning to his drink. Sixer, on the other hand, stared at me, wanting to ask me what I'm doing but not daring. I winked at him and resumed my walking with Shooting star's body following me.

As we were in her room, I snapped my fingers and she was dropped on the floor. I looked down on her body than at the triangle shaped window. I could see the foggy outside, a perfect autumn morning, cold and dark with the crackling sounds of the wind tearing little branches of the trees apart. I summoned a curtain before the window diving the room into darkness. I turned around and locked the door with a little magic, then I snapped my fingers to make some yellows candles appear. I lit them with my blue fire, making everything in the room seem eery with the blue light.

After that, I searched through her craft supplies at the end of her bed to find some chalk. I drew a magical circle on the floor in the middle of the room, between the two beds, with Shooting Star's body in the middle. Once I finished I started drawing a smaller identical magical circle right before the door. I sat down, facing her body and I slowly let my magic engulf her body and myself, making us levitate over the floor.  

I dived in the darkness of the Mindscape, deeper as the time passed in search of one specific Mindscape. She is dead, so her Mindscape should be near here, in the deepness of the Mindscape's Abyss. Suddenly I saw what I searched in this darkness: a pink bubble with her sign on it. Finally, I found you. I went nearer to it and entered it by passing through the pink barrier.

I opened my eyes to see a horrorful vision: Mabelland. Again. Everything is pink, everything seems like it comes from a fantastic, pink, disgusting world. But this time with a lot of cracks everywhere. These cracks are maybe the proof that it slowly fades out of existence. But shouldn't there also be some inhabitants in there like some stuffed animals, as a pink teddy bear or maybe some giant pig? I looked around, having the distinct feeling that I was completely alone in this sickening fluffy world. Maybe they all already faded out of existence... They should represent her memories or her feelings but as she dies, they all got erased... I really should search her faster or her mindscape will be completely disintegrated.  

As I went deeper in her Mindscape I could see gross things like her wanting to have a boyfriend and do some 'things' with him. Then I could see some thoughts that whirled around like 'I will kill Bill!'That is so nice of you. Thanks Shooting Star. Oh this one is even better: 'Why did Dipper kill me?' Maybe because you are crazy, insane, completely out of mind, err I can't find more synonyms. 'It must be because of Bill, he would never do something like that to his sister'Yeah right, it is all because of me and not because of you. Riiiiiight. I walked further into her Mindscape until I saw a tower that could come from a fairy tale (as everything here). 

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