Chapter 2

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3rd pov:

Stan and Ford pushed open the door, slowly, while it creaked. They entered the dark room, not seeing her yet. "Mabel?" They both said at the same time, while Ford turned the light on. 

They gasped as they saw her on the floor. They shuddered, completely and utterly shocked at her appearance. She was still a young woman with one of her favorite sweater and a skirt with some black leggings under it. However, they couldn't help it, but they felt utterly disgusted by her. They didn't want to be near her again, never, never again. They looked over her at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Grunkle Stan? Grunkle Ford?" She asked silently, feeling that something was wrong, really wrong. 

"Ahm...Sorry, sweetie, I... uh... I left some pancake on the fire" said Stan, trying to avoid her gaze and looking at his feet. 

"Yeah, right, I will help you!"added Ford, while they both turned around and heard some sick laugh coming from the stairs, right behind them. 

Bill's POV:

I burst out laughing, behind them, as I heard their words. I cut their path, putting myself right in the middle of the doorway. They couldn't go downstairs now to flee their 'adorable' grand-niece. 

"Don't you like it?" I said with a fake disappointed tone.

"Bill!" they both shouted with some fear in their voice.

"Grunkle Ford? Grunkle Stan?" Shooting Star called again. 

"Hum... I should call someone too... " I said grinning "Oh I know! Shooting Star?" 


"Do you remember when I said there would be a price to pay for coming back?"

"Yeah and?"

"What did you do, Bill, to make her like that?!"

"I? I didn't do anything! She agreed to it!" I pointed at her.

"Agreed to what?" Said Sixer.

"To be stripped of the most valuable thing she had"

"And what was that?"

"Ask her." I pointed at her with my thumb while leaning on the door. He glanced at her and tried to turn fully around to look at her in the face with a lot of difficulties. Once he faced her, he could only make a disdainful face.

"What was it?" He asked with a disgusted tone as he spoke to her.

"I... don't really know... He never explained it fully to me!" She said at the brink of the tears.

"Oh, poor Shooting Star..." I said with a fake sad tone and I wiped away a fake tear. "You were the one who was too excited and didn't let me the time to explain!" I said slighlty irratated by her behavior. "So let us do it now. You" I pointed at her "are a social person who loves to be the center of the attention, so... You were stripped of your social skills and 'social beauty' or whatever it was!" I said mimicking quotation marks with my fingers. "You now are the most disgusting person in the Universe! All humans will be disgusted by you and won't want to be near you." I smirked when I saw the look of pure shock on her face. 

"No that can't be true!" She said, shaking her head.

"Did I ever lie to you? To any of you?" I asked looking at each one of them "No I didn't. This is the truth Shooting Star, accept it." I saw she was now trembling and crying. She looked desperate at Sixer and then at Fez, hoping that he, at least, would help her.

When she understood that no one would ever help her and be near her again, her face broke down and she sobbed uncontrollably.

"Oh don't be such a crybaby!" I said, making a little movement with my hand "It's not so bad, you will just be alone the rest of your life!" I then put my hands on my face as if realizing something. "Oh wait, it is bad! Bad for you!" I said now laughing and holding my stomach.

"Bill!" Yelled Ford "Heal her! Give her back what you took from her!"

"You know Sixer I should be able to, but too bad that I can't. A deal is a deal Sixer." I said winking at him. "You know that. I had to bring her back and you had to forgive me. We both fulfilled our part of the deal. I never said that there wouldn't be a price to pay for coming back from the dead." I sighed "You know very well that there is always a price for magic. Sometimes it is the ability to feel pain and sometimes it is, eh,  whatever was taken from her." 

"That's..." said Sixer, unable to complete his sentence.

"The irrevocable truth. And it will never change."

He looked a last time at Mabel, who was sobbing on the floor and turned around and this time I let him go downstairs. His brother hesitated more, but with one last look, he murmured "Sorry sweetie" and went down with his brother.

"So now Shooting Star, have fun with your new life without anyone to help you! Enjoy it and think about what your brother must have felt." I started to walk away and stopped as she talked quietly in between her sobs.

"It... is not... true" I faced her now, curious.

"What isn't true? The fact that now you have to live alone or that you have to live just like your brother at school because of what you did?"

"No... I didn't do that to him."

"Sure Shooting Star, the words that left your mouth weren't your doing. No I know, it was the tooth fairy." I said calmly with cold anger.

"I... Maybe I did, but it wasn't this bad!" She said trying to straighten up and regain some composure, what failed miserably with her on the floor, while she still cried a bit.

"This bad? You destroyed his life! He thought about killing himself! You isolated him so you could be the only one with him! You are the most selfish brat I have ever seen!"

"That isn't true... You stole him from me"

"See, you are so selfish. Come on Shooting Star, you know it's true. Look into your heart or whatever you meatsacks do. You destroyed him and it's only logical that he would rather stay with me than you!" I glared at her with a cold hate-filled look.

"I'm... uh..."

"Don't speak anymore Shooting Star. Remember, the universe is a hologram, the reality is an illusion, buy gold, bye!" I said snapping my fingers and teleporting to Ford's study to take a nap while being near my dear Pinetree in his gem.

3rd POV:

What they all didn't know, was that while they were speaking in the attic with Mabel, a tiny, invisible to the human eye, crack formed at the bottom of the gem. Out of it, came dark smoke. Slowly it transformed and took some features. Dipper's spirit formed next to the gem. He stood still, floating a bit, contemplating his body.

"Why did you do that Bill?" He whispered with a sad little voice with a ghostly tone to it. "It must be because of the Pines or maybe..." He interrupted himself to look at the ceiling where he could feel Bill's energy. "Maybe you just feared what I would become. But it is too late now. I already am the Emperor and you my husband" He shook his head and snapped his finger to teleport with what little magic he had left as a spirit, but it was still more magic than most demons have.

A. N.: I'm really sorry dear readers that you had to wait so long for the next chapter. I could give you some excuses, but I think here is not the place for it. Next week should the 3rd chapter come out. Again, I'm really sorry and happy holidays!  

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