Chapter 3

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Dipper's POV:

I stared down at Bill's ex-henchmaniacs as I floated a bit over them. I then looked at tad's purple form on the throne of the throne room of my Palast in the Nightmare Realm. He looked really tired and worn-out with his purple hair masking his purple eyes. Is he like that because of my absence? Does he really have that much work to do?

"What do you want?" He asked tiredly with his head resting in his hand.

"Where is our Emperor?" asked Keyhole back.

"He is currently unavailable" He said not wanting to give more information and rubbing his fingers on his temples.

"What does that mean?" asked Pyronica, while lighting her rosa cigar with a flick of her finger engulfed in rosa fire.

"It means that he can't be here for the moment" He sighed resigned.

"And?" She nagged, wanting to have more details and taking the first intake of her cigar. She then blew the smoke out and most of it came right at me. The slight rosa smoke came in contact with me. Even in my spiritual form, I could sense it and couldn't stop a cough from escaping me while I almost died because of the thick smock. She lifted her head up, squinting her eyes to try to see past the smoke where I floated. Damn smoke. If because of you I can't even eavesdrop my subordinates, I will forbid everyone to smoke inside the castle... I thought irritated by it. But Pyronica couldn't see me and redirected her attention at Tad as he spoke again.

"And he isn't here right now so please stop bothering me. I already have a headache because of you" He said clearly not wanting to answer.

"Tad, you may be our temporary ruler but you can't fool us. What is going on? Why isn't he here with us or doing something useful like maybe... I don't know... something like conquering a dimension as was prophesied?" She said, releasing again a thick cloud of smoke and this time before it could reach me I floated out of the way, nearer Tad but still completely invisible and undetectable.

"Are you doubting him?" He exclaimed glaring at her. "Are any of you doubting him?" He said turning his glare at every one of the henchmaniacs. "He is our Emperor. We won't and can't doubt him. If we don't believe in him then who would? We are the demons he trusted to assure everything works out here while he is temporarily absent due to some business he had to finish." He stood up from his throne, straightening up. "He is the most powerful demon we ever saw. He is the demon who will lead us and show us a new way of living. The one with whom we will be able to conquer dimension and show to all of their inhabitants how to really live." He paused.

"Do you really doubt him so much? This demon, who is our Emperor, who helped the Nightmare Realm to be more organized, to stop our little 'civil wars' from happening?" He stared at them, no one daring to say anything, not even Pyronica who stopped smoking. "That's better. Now leave I have things to do." He said ushering them out and again sitting on his throne. He really must trust me. Sure I helped the Nightmare Realm out, but this... He sounded just like a politician from the human world. I thought, grinning a bit, still invisible and waiting for the last of the henchmaniacs to go out of the room.

As the door closed behind Pyronica, I could hear Tad mumbling. "I hope he is okay. Maybe did something happened while he was in the Mindscape with Bill or he couldn't finish what he wanted. Or..." He continued to mumble tiredly as he passed his hand on his face.

"Or I'm still very alive and listening to you right now." I said, letting him hear me but not seeing me.

"Your majesty? Is that you?"

"No it's the tooth fairy"

"Really?" I sighed and nearly face palmed.

"No you moron! It's really me, Dipper, your Emperor." It was almost like a light bulb shone up above Tad's head and he bowed down on his knees.

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