Chapter 4

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Bill's POV:

I woke up suddenly, looking at the ceiling, feeling like I had just missed something really important. Not perceiving any strange energy, I shook my head. I'm way too much paranoid, nothing can happen now that Pinetree is in his gem. I felt a pang in my chest. Pinetree... Why did I have to go to such length? If I hadn't been injured, you wouldn't be a demon and didn't become such a beautiful and powerful, yet insane demon. Maybe I'm a hypocrite... I should have been able to protect you, be able to stop these pathetic meatsacks... But instead, you saved me. I shook my head, wanting to clear it from these awfully depressing thoughts. Let's just take a peek at him, maybe... Maybe nothing. He won't be able to answer my pleading, he won't be able to be in my arms, we won't be able to be together for a long time... Why did it have to come to such things? I'm so sorry Pinetree. I will try to explain everything to you once you come back. We will be again together, just like before. We will be happy together, you, my husband, and me. I smiled sadly.

I stood up from the couch I had teleported to Sixer's study, looking around at the mess that Sixer made with papers everywhere and the beautiful wand tapestries of myself ripped down. That's not nice Sixer to destroy such beautiful art of myself. I thought, grinning. Now let's see Pinetree. I looked at my fingers and before I snapped them, I stopped myself. Why not try the human way of traveling? Just like Pinetree did, not wanting to abuse of his powers... Let's walk and try the "lift".

I turned around and as I came before the lift I pressed the button to call it. I looked up to see it was already on the lowest floor. Strange... Does that mean somebody is already downstairs? Oh maybe it's Sixer! I could speak to him and see why he ripped off my magnificent art off the walls. I waited until the lift came and the doors opened with a little ping. I looked inside, seeing nobody. There are no other ways for a human to go up, so the person must still be downstairs...

As I came out of the lift I could see a short silhouette before Pinetree's gem. Damn it's not Sixer. But is that Shooting Star? What is she doing here before my Pinetree's gem? I thought feeling anger and a pang of jealousy veil up inside of my much too human chest.

As I came nearer I could see tears staining her cheeks. Is she crying? Ah yes, she is. "Are you again crying because you can't be the center of the world or is it something else?" I said with disgust apparent in my voice. She turned around surprised and then glared at me.

"Could you please shut up." She said with a calm little voice so uncharacteristic of her.

"Waouh, what happened to your little thing of shouting at me and denying everything?" I uttered almost shocked at her behaviour and putting a hand to my chest, faking surprise.

"I never did something like that to you... Okay, maybe I did, but I'm not crying because I now know I'm not the center of everything." She mumbled the last part while turning around and staring at Pinetree's face.

"So what? You feel alone? Depressed? Do you have a burnout or whatever you meatbags have? Sorry to disappoint you but Pinetree won't be able to help you right now." I said squinting my eyes at her.

"What happened to him?" She ignored my previous questions and asked, still looking at him.

"You mean before or after you interfered with his life?" She only glanced a little at me before returning her attention at Pinetree.

"You know what I mean" I sighed, feeling uncomfortable with her new behavior. It was better when she was angered, at least her answers were fun.

"After he killed you or maybe should I say crushed you, I understood he wasn't himself anymore."

"What?" She turned to me, staring a bit incredulously. I'm not sure whether she is shocked about the part where I said he killed her or the part with how he isn't himself anymore. Let's say it's the last.

"The Pinetree I knew would have never killed his own sister like that. He changed." I stated, now also staring at Pinetree.

"Changed?" She again uttered a single word, not understanding one bit of what I say. Was she always so daft?

"You don't know a thing do you?" I sighed again and she shook her head. "When he went to the Nightmare Realm, he became incredibly powerful but he lost himself by doing so. He became way colder, calculator and maybe ambitious. He didn't want to only reign over the Nightmare Realm and the Mindscape, no he wanted revenge for all you did to him." I said looking at Dipper's unconscious form. And he also wanted to reign over all these things with me, just like I wanted before they defeated me. In fact, perhaps he did it all for me, except the revenge part.

"So he came here and killed me?" She asked, again incredulous.

"Exactly." I stated, this time looking at her coldly, not revealing anything of my inner turmoil.

"But that doesn't explain why he is in a giant solid yellow pudding."

"This isn't a giant solid yellow pudding you moron!" I sighed trying to calm myself before her pitiful actions. "It's a purifying gem. It will clean him of all the nefast effects of the Nightmare Realm and hopefully, I will have my Pinetree back again."

"He isn't your Pinetree!" She exclaimed, this time with emotion looking at me.

"Shooting Star I won't talk about that topic again with you." I bellowed, almost grunting.

"That's not what I mean!"She shouted before speaking again when she calmed herself down. "I finally understood that maybe he isn't only mine" She said looking at the floor and then she looked at me straight in the eyes "but he isn't yours!"

"Wrong Shooting Star" I said and I tsked while making a movement with my index. "I'm his and he is mine. We are married did you forget?" She looked at Pinetree, than at me and shook her head. "What you don't believe me?" I put both my hands on my chest, faking shock and distraught like a real diva.

"I do but I still don't understand how he could do that to his family. Being with you is such a... I can't even find the words for it." She shook again her head and went to the lift.

"Oh and Shooting Star don't come back here again." I said with magic filling my voice. I could see she received the message as she shivered before going into the lift.

A. N: I'm again really sorry I'm late, it seems like I can't have a proper schedule but at long last here are the 2 new chapters. I hope it won't take too long for the next update. On another note thank you very much for still reading this and all your kind comments, it pushes me forward!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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