Chapter 16: Moving On

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Chaerin' POV

I was left in my room with Taehyung. Both of us were just enveloped with silence. I don't feel like talking to much because of how hurt I am right now, physically and emotionally.

I heard him sigh deeply making me look at him and he looked back. "Don't mind me Princess, I just remembered something," he said with a soft smile.

I slightly frowned and gave him a knowing look. "Don't call me Princess," I told him.


There was another moment of silence.

I want to cry but I felt like I cannot. I felt like my tears ran out already. I sighed silently.

He loves my sister and not me...

Tears started building up in my eyes and one even managed to escape. I was wrong, my tears won't run out.

Taehyung quickly noticed so he inched closer to wipe away some more tears. "I am sorry if you are hurt because of Jin hyung."

I gave him a faint smile. "You don't have to be sorry. It is no one's fault after all. I just want to move on immediately," I told him.

"You don't really have to rush it," he told me. "You will soon just find out that you have already moved on."

"I want to know where to start," I said.

"I don't really know how you would start but I know some things that would tell you that you have finally moved on."

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"When your heart does not beat as fast as it did everytime you would see him. You will feel calm, not nervous or excited."

"Really?" I raised my brows and he nodded my head. "Please tell me more," I pleaded.

"When you feel comfortable seeing him with another girl. Another is when you finally opened up your heart for someone....but that is optional."

"Thanks Taehyung oppa...but...can I ask what would be the first step?" I asked him.

"Maybe...letting him go," he answered.

Letting him go?

My lips parted and I felt my eyes burn again and when tears starting running down my face again I felt Taehyung's arms envelop me. He caressed my back and all I was able to do was to cry on his chest.

Am I already ready to let go of Jin? Should I already let go of him?? I guess it would be the only thing to do since I have no chances with him any more.

I pulled away from him and wiped my tears away. I am sure that I look like a mess now. "Please stop crying, Chaerin. It would increase your headache," he told me. Their was a worried look on his face and I cannot help but to smile. But only a weak and small smile.

He is worried about me .

"I would be fine," I assured him. "But I want to meet up with Jin oppa," I added. His face quickly shifted from a worried one to a one that is serious but with also a hint of worriedness.

"What for?"

"I want to talk to him," I answered. "Please help me talk to him...just for a minute or two."

He sighed before answering, "Fine...but you better have some rest now."

"I want to talk to in, right now."

"I will tell him to go here after they get dismissed. What is important is for you to have your rest. Now, don't be so stubborn Chaerin. You must litsen for you to recover already," he told me and gently pushed my forehead with his forefinger. I smiled again knowing that he really cares for me.

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