Chapter 4:28

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So yeah... Heres another update. Thought you guys really need it. So yeah this is gonna be a short update since i need to study for math 😭😭😫 and my butt bone hurts! I feel like I fractured it...


The room was very quiet. No one moved. No one talked. Until I did... "So.....  How are you?" I asked. "I should ask you the same thing..." "Im fine." I smiled. "Im fine too!" She stuttered. "Y-you know what! I better get going! Square might think something is happening between us. Where in fact there isnt!" She stuttered and stood up and walk straight to the door. I caught her by the arm and stopped her. "Hey... Uh Peri..." "Y-yes?" "I have something to tell you..." "W-what is it?" I pulled her closer to me and I leaned closer to her, leaving our faces a meter away from each other. "What are ypu gping to tell me?" "You know what? Ill just tell you this in another time... I'll just do something to you." "D-do what e-exactly?!" Her face turned red as one of her signature fangs were shown. I pulled her closer to me until I felt her soft lips touched mine.

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