Chapter 11:54

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I suddenly woke up because of the loud clap of the thunder. Peridot Squirmed and snuggled closer. she might be getting cold. And Im getting hungry. "Peri, wake up. Its time to eat." "hmm... I dont want to. I want to sleep here with you." I felt my face grew hot. "But-" Peridot cut me off by scooting her face near me. Inches apart. "I said, I want to sleep with you. Deal with it." 

"Well then, fine. I'll go eat by myself." I was about to get up but Peridot grabbed my arm and pulled me back on the bed, landing on her. "Please? Stay with me?" "No." "I was hoping for a 'yes' answer." She smirked. "Well then." I  stood up and shoved my arms under her body. "You'll stay with me, and eat breakfast." I smiled as I carried her downstairs and to the kitchen island.  


"So, how's the food?" 

"It's tasty." Peri said licking the corner of her mouth.

"Im glad you think so."

"So... Are your parents always not around the house?"

"Well, yeah mostly. But they mostly stay here when Squaridot used to visit me." I saw Peridot looked away.

"But! She's no longer here so Im good. And besides, you're here. I wouldnt ask for any roomate."

"Well, Im glad I am here." She smiled brightly.

"What up nerds?" Blue said. "Oh hey Blue." "Hey Peridot." Blue said getting near her. I could see Peridot getting redder and redder. Suddenly, Blue closed the gap between them. She kissed Peridot on her forehead. I threw the first thing on my hand to Blue. A pan. It smacked on her head exactly. "Ow shit, what the fuck?" "Oh! Sorry... Not sorry..." I laughed. Blue  ran out of the house. I took the pan, from the floor. "Good thing, I got that pan." Peridot seemed quiet. I knew it. "Hey, uh, Peridot why so quiet?"  "Nonono, it's just...." "Dont worry, Im the only one who saw it."

"Oh yeah, Peridot. It's June , are you going to the Pride Parade? It's Pride Month." YIEEE!!! Im excited as hell for Pride Parade! "Well, as long as you are going, then I'm going too."

"But, when? When will it happen?" "Eh, Im not sure."

You guys, be happy now. The real fun begins now, NYAHAHAHA!!! Now that I have updated this, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Okeh, Im out, love you all you blue and green gays!! Happy pride month!!!

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