「6/10」 habit

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[06] • habit

shirabu had all sorts of annoying habits. habits that really ground on semi's nerves, wore his patience thin, like a carpet that's been walked over so many times it was nothing more than a sheet of thread.

he had a habit of muttering to himself, and then reeling off the usual 'oh nothing' when semi asked what he was saying.

in silence he had an annoying tendency to whistle, congesting the air with tuneless sounds that made semi's jaw clench as he subtly plugged his ears with his fingers because whenever he told him to 'shut the hell up', shirabu would just grin and whistle louder.

and he would never get over the knuckle-cracking. it was a daily routine for shirabu, to pop his knuckles, one at a time, with agonising slowness. semi would always suddenly grab hold of his hands to stop it, and end up blushing at the sudden contact.

but then shirabu had his more endearing habits too, those ones that made semi sit back and admire his boyfriend and his little quirks. like when he was concentrating, and a shy little crease would appear between his brows, and his tongue would poke out and rest in the crook of his mouth. god he looked so sweet when he did that.

and when he gave him that crooked little smile, slightly boyish, with only one corner of his lip upturned. that made semi want to take his face and kiss him.

sure, shirabu had his fair share of flaws, his annoying habits, but god, semi wouldn't change him for the world.

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