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Abby's point of view
"Wait, what!? Abby, what the fuck? How did that happen! This is mad, I can't believe it!" Lily belted down the phone, basically deafening me in the right ear.

"It just sort of- happened?"

"Fucking hell, this is huge. Did you shag?"

"Lily! Are you still pissed?"

"No! Well, I haven't recieved a hangover yet," she giggled. "But did you? Is he with you now? Oh my God, let me speak to him."

"No, he left earlier," I told her, sadness probably evident in my voice. I didn't understand why he had to leave so soon.

"What? It's only like nine."

"I know, he woke up and left. Said he's got shit to sort or something."

"What? So he just stuck it in you and left? What a dickhead!"

"No! Lily, we didn't have sex. Literally just slept," I assured her quickly before this got out of hand.

"Oh, boring."

"Oh I'm sorry for boring you!" I laughed. It hadn't been boring at all, I got butterflies and tingles all through my body at the thought of his arms around my waist, the smell of his hair, the feel of his finger tips on my thighs. My heart sped up at the thought of him, if I thought he had me fully obsessed before, I don't even know what to call this. It's just, why would he leave me like this? So soon? It's like last night we took a step forward, but now we're hurtling backwards and he has no idea.

"So what are you doing about it then?" Lily asked, breaking me away from my flashbacks and feelings.

"Nothing, I guess."

"You can't just- why don't I say something to him?"

"What?" I spat in absolute fear. "No! What if last night didn't mean anything to him? He'll just think I'm obsessed with him and want something to come about after all this."

"Well, do you want something to come of this?"

Do I?

When I didn't give an immediate answer, she had sussed me out.

"You do, don't you! I didn't realise it was this serious!"

That's when I realised. That is what I wanted. I wanted to be with him all the time. I wanted to get to know his parents. Go to family events with him. Spend every second of spare time with him. Fall asleep with him every night that we could. I wanted it all so bad.

"Oh my god," I said lowly in realisation. "Fuck. Lily, you're keeping this to yourself."

"Of course! Long as you promise me you'll tell him how you feel."


"Abby! This is your problem. If you don't talk about it you're never gonna get anywhere, honestly. What are you even scared of?"

"What if he doesn't feel the same way?"

"Course he fucking does, we all know it."

"But what about this morning? Explain why he just suddenly left."

She was silent then.

Exactly, I thought.

"I don't know," she finally whispered.

I shook my head even though she couldn't see me.

Me neither.


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