Mornin' Sunshine

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Abby's point of view

My head was throbbing before I even opened my eyes. I could feel my brain pounding against my skull as I shuffled my body further into the sofa, hoping and praying the pain would go away.

Yes, I was experiencing the usual hangover cycle that I felt a little too much than I should have done. Currently, I was at the point of the cycle where water was the only thing on my mind- I needed it, and I needed t now. I rolled off Brad's lumpy sofa muttering 'I'm never drinking again', leaving blankets behind and slowly adjusting my self to the feeling of floor beneath my feet. Rising to a stand did not help the heaviness that my head felt.

Before doing anything else, I rushed to the sink in the kitchen, grabbing a pint glass as I did so and shoving it underneath the tap. Anyone walking in would have thought I had just ran the London marathon, judging by how fast I downed the full container full of water. After finally quenching my thirst, I flicked on the kettle and prepared a mug and a tea bag, my hands shaking slightly.

"Mornin' sunshine," Brad's voice rang from the doorway. "Do two of them, will you."

"Morning. Yeah." I took out another mug from the cupboard and filled it with another tea bag. I had stayed at Brad's house more than enough times to know exactly where everything is in his kitchen.

"Cheers. Did you sleep well?"

"As well as I can on a sofa that uncomfortable," I said, with a joking tone.

"You can sleep on your own sofa next time then," he laughed, walking to the fridge and pulling out the milk. This was mine and Brad's friendship. As he was Lily's boyfriend, I spent a lot of time with him, meaning we ended up quite close. We had the kind of connection where we could get on at each other and have banter and it not get taken seriously.

"How was work?" I asked him, remembering that was the reason he couldn't come to see the band last night.

"You already asked me."

"Did I? When?"

"Right after you spilt water all over the stairs last night," he said with wide eyes. In all honesty, I couldn't remember spilling anything last night- I barely remembered the drive home.

"Oh shit, sorry about that," I chuckled, I can be such a clumsy drunk. The kettle then clicked, and I poured the steaming liquid in both cups, followed by the milk Brad put on the side.

"Don't worry Abby, the carpet's just about dried itself now," he declared, smiling so I knew that it was okay. He dragged a small cardboard pack off the kitchen counter and opened it. "Want one?"

"Please." I took a cigarette and so did he. "Doesn't your landlord mind, you smoking inside?"

"Yeah, I do it to piss him off," he laughed passing me his lighter. "He's a prick."

"Oi! Do me one!" Lily shouted, stumbling down the stairs quickly. "One sugar," she smiled sweetly with her teeth once a appeared in the room with her pink dressing gown on. "Woah. You look like shit."

"Good morning to you too! You can make your own blasted tea, now."

She pulled a face, and plonked herself at the table. I sat opposite her, tea in one hand and cigarette in the other.

"How're you feeling?" she asked me, and I noticed Brad pull out a mug and make her a drink.

"Probably as shit as I look."

"Will teach you to go off with random weirdo's then," she laughed.

"They were not random weirdos! Just nice lads," I defended them and flicked the excess ash into the tray at the centre of the table.

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