Part 4B: Guptas' Secrets

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Part 4B: Guptas' Secrets

Thursday Evening

Hotel-Hi Life, Paharganj

Hotel Hi-Life stood tall with its three stored formed in front of Khushi. Google gave her the information about this inn. Stepping inside, she was satisfied with the decor and quickly took a single-bedroom according to her budget. The caravansary provided her with a small yet cosy single bed to have a pleasant sleep, a side table to keep her laptop and phone, and a small cupboard to stuff her three large luggage bags. The attached bathroom was also neat and clean.

Khushi's cheerful mood for having a nice room at a cheap price turned into the sore as soon as she opened the only window of that room. It was a road-side ventilator, had a view of noisy bus-stop. The air of the room suddenly became dusty and smoky as a result of the vehicles' reeking. Furthermore, the continuous sounds of horns of vehicles instantly gave her a bad headache. "Delhi was a jungle of concrete. " She realized that those words of Srijoni were so true.

She closed the window with a BANG, never to open again. Throwing a doleful look at the room, she thought aloud sarcastically, 'The best room at the lowest price could not be better than this.' and went to the bathroom to get rid of the tiredness of the long journey.

Being a nature lover, obviously she felt suffocation in the closed place, but the mantra 'Anything for FMS' gave her the strength to avoid it.

At the afternoon, instead of taking her much-needed nap, she searched companies' websites for a vacancy. Not a single company in Delhi, having a vacant-post notice on their website, was missed by her. She sent them an email with a job application attached to her CV. A secure job was essential for her right now.

For a temporarily period, she had already worked in an office after completion of her college. That job was definitely a beneficial addition for her CV, but she was unsure about the recruiting procedure of Delhi's companies.

Her certificates, documents along with some other papers were scattered on the bed as she needed them to fill up the application forms.

Looking at the bed she complained," Durga Maa!! Ami kobe guchiye kaaj korte sikhbo?" (Will I ever learn to work neatly? ) and made a face before started to gather the papers. Suddenly a bank passbook came in her hand. It was her bank account's passbook where her father saved money for her education.

Before coming here, she gave a thought about the expenses of living in this city. Moreover, her studies would not be started without paying the first semester fees which were around one lakh. Due to these financial problems, she took this passbook along with the chequebook.

The total amount in the account would be needed for FMS's fees. A penny she could not spend on other things from that money. Her little savings from the salary of her previous job was her only reliance at this moment.

Placing all papers safely in her small bag, she shifted her attention to her phone.

The person you are calling is not responding. Please call after some time, again echoed through the device. This was the 36th time she was dialling Sri or Srijoni or her best friend's number after arriving in Delhi and hearing this message repeatedly.

"Where the hell are you Sri? Just pick up the phone." murmured Khushi and started pacing around the room in tension.

Wandering in the room, checking emails, playing games in the laptop for one hour, she called Sri again, with a hope that this call would be answered.

Thursday Evening


Gupta Haveli

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