Chapter 5: Quinn and Ava

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Eden falls into the pilot seat, exhausted. Her armor is scuffed and dented from where the Fallen's bullets have made an impact. And she's died at least five times according to Uriah. Five more times than she expects. She sighs and leans further back in the seat.

The other three, however, look like they've just had the best day of their lives.

Axel looks as pleased as an Exo can look and Lance hums joyfully while looking over a piece of technology he found. Jaren sits in a dark corner of the ship, tossing a knife and murmuring to his Ghost. Every once in a while, she sees a flash of his glowing turquoise eyes under his hood and a smirk pulling at his lips.

Eden wonders how they can look so happy after all that.

The fight itself wasn't all that bad. In fact, for the first couple of minutes, she's having a fantastic time herself. She's caught up in the moment. That is until they brought in a Fallen Walker. Lance, in between shooting the Fallen, had briefed her on what it is and does. He explains that the Fallen use them often to protect the important higher-ups or technological things they find.

Things had gone bad for her after that.

Multiple Fallen Captains chased her around. The Walker stepped on her, blew her up, and electrocuted her. Then, of all the things to happen, she tripped and fell off a cliff nearby.

She should feel embarrassed by this point but Eden's just too tired. All she wants right now is to shower and sleep. First, though, they need to report to the Bounty Tracker.

Eden sits up, flips some switches, and takes them back to the Tower. Thankfully, no one says anything about what happened and are content to sit in silence.

When they arrive, and the ship settles down, she's out and already walking toward the frame. Uriah appears and hovers around her shoulders and head as she walks up to the frame.

She hands him the bounty with a tired smile. He gives a satisfied hum and transmits glimmer to her. Eden takes that as she's free to go and turns to leave. As she does, she runs into someone.

It's not hard enough to make her fall, but still enough to make her stumble back a few steps. Whoever she ran into took most of the hit. All the scrolls, books, and papers in their arms go flying up everywhere.

"Watch where you're going!" A voice snaps at her.

She looks up to see steel gray eyes glaring at her coldly. Eden manages to mumble out a small apology and begins to pick up the papers.

The person scoffs and bends over to pick up the books. As she leans down to do the same, she casts quick glances to the side to look at them.

The maroon and cream-colored robes give indications it's a Warlock. His dirty blonde hair is swept up and away from his face with only a few strands dangling around his proud features. A smoky black mark encircles his eyes and some of his nose, fading into his pale skin.

The whole look gives him the someone not to be messed with. And that's exactly what Eden has

As quickly as she can, she picks up the scrolls and papers, neatly puts them in a stack, and hands them back.

"I'm really sorry," She says once again.

He merely gives her a cool glance before looking over his things.

"Ah don't worry about him, he's just a grouch bug," A new voice speaks next to her as a hand clasps her shoulder.

Eden startles and glances to her side.

A female Hunter stands there, looking playfully at the Warlock. She's pretty in a delicate sort of way, but she seems far from delicate.

Her bright blue eyes shine mischievously and a lopsided smile pulls at her rose pink lips. Long, chestnut colored hair is swept out of her face and pulled into a ponytail.

She flashes Eden a wink before walking over to the Warlock.

"Quinn, don't be so uptight. Can't you see she's newly risen? Come on, you were there once too," She points out as she leans against him.

The Warlock, or Quinn, sighs in irritation but Eden notices that his stare isn't as cold before.

"Alright, alright! You've made your point Ava," He says to the Hunter.

He turns to Eden next, a stern look on his face.

"Next time, be more careful."

Eden nods and mumbles one more apology. Quinn seems satisfied with it and looks over her head. Eden turns and sees her fireteam approaching them. As they come closer, Ava's eyes widen and a grin breaks out on her face.

"Axel, Lance, Jaren, so nice to see you all again!" She exclaims.

Although the Warlock doesn't seem as happy to see them, Eden notices that he still gives them all a nod of respect.

"Ava, Quinn. It seems like you've met the newest edition of our team," Lance states politely.

Both Ava and Quinn look over at her in faint astonishment. Eden finds it strange. The way that the Vanguard had talked, it wasn't a big deal adding someone to a fireteam. But, then again, she hadn't really been here long either. Either way, she could find a later day to ask. Right now, her shower and bed are calling to her.

Uriah seems to sense that she's exhausted and little white and silver Ghost chirps before flying off toward the group of guardians.

"I hate to interrupt but, Eden and I are going to go ahead and go. Long day."

Lance and Axel nod. Jaren only gazes at her with an examining stare.

"Well, it was nice to meet you. If you ever need us, just ask." Ava smiles cheerfully.

"It was nice to meet you too. And again, really sorry," Eden replies, directing the last part at Quinn.

He only glances her way with a tiny nod. Eden waves to the rest of them before walking away. It's only when there's footsteps walking next to her that she glances over.

Jaren has fallen into step beside her.

He looks up to see both Eden and her Ghost staring at him. And for the first time since she's met him, he speaks to her.

"Follow me. I'll show you which apartment we live in."

His voice is smooth, yet deep. Soft yet firm.

Dazed at the fact he's actually speaking to her, she nods and allows him to lead her to the rooms. Eden doesn't notice the mildly interested look she receives from Uriah.

Once they're there, Jaren leads her to one of the five doors in the apartment.

"This is your room. The bathroom is right down there past the living room. Let me know if you need anything else," He mumbles quietly.

As her door opens, he gives Eden one final dip of his head and disappears into the across from hers.

With exhaustion weighing down her bones, she walks to the bathroom to shower so she can finally sleep.

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