The Tree.

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You are on the cold basement floor like always. You look up to see all of your "parents" weapons strewn through out the room and the more dangerous ones still on the wall. Then the awful smell hit you, 'blood', you thought you released a loud sigh and stood up. BIG mistake, your whole body hurt like you had taken a hot acid bath. You searched the room for your clothes,that you had noticed you weren't wearing. After getting dressed you carefully and quietly climbed hoping to the stars they wouldn't hear. You cracked the door open a little to see the pair waiting at the table, ' well f**k me',you would have to find another escape route. "too late" said your 'mother' "GET THE F**K IN HERE AND MAKE US FOOD YOU WORTHLESS BRAT!!" your 'father' yelled with tone of a crazed murderer. "o-ok"you mumbled walking into the kitchen, at this rate there wouldn't be enough time to stop by your tree. It was your special tree, the one with the golden branches, its fruit never fell or rotted and its leaves never came off, even in winter. The fruit were the best part one half of the tree were covered in bright golden apples and the other half black apples, well they weren't really 'black' per say but-"WHERE IS OUR FOOD YOU STUPID WHORE?!" he yelled, "i-its a-almost done" you said not wanting to anger the two of them, "IT BETTER BE ON THE TABLE IN FIVE MINUTES OR TONIGHT WE BE EXTRA" he said venomously. You ran to the table with the food and quickly ran out the door hoping for enough time at the tree. You looked down at your cough*stolen*cough watch as the tree came into view, and it read 8:15, great you had 15 minutes to be with your one and only friend.

~??? pov~

The strange girl was back to talk to the tree again I could see her in the distance, she was later than usual, that probably had to do with her parents, if you could call them that. From what I had heard her "parents" where horrid, abusers, who took advantage of her every weakness. Though to be completely honest it was strange, how she walk all the way up to the tree even though she had admitted that there were rumors about saying the tree was cursed and anyone who touched it would suffer a painful death. She seemed to like the word "death", she talked about wishing for death a lot, it was sad but there was nothing I could do as I'm stuck here. though she did seem sadder today more so than she normally was. Suspicious.

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