Lights, Camera, Action!

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           Minho hyung had been ranting on about the show 'Weekly Idol' for some time now, while Tao and Kris have been relaxing and drinking their bubble tea. The boys were very nonchalant about the entire idea of it, but secretly hiding the notions of excitement under their tough appearance. "Tao, isn't today SNSD's debut?" Kris hinted slyly. "Focus on our schedule hyung." Tao replied. The two walked out of the van with Bubble Tea's still on hand.

             "You two still haven't finished that?" Minho asked a bit ruffled. "Well, you need to hurry and throw them away now, you both will be in hair and make up soon." Tao and Kris challenged each other to a basket toss. "If I make it in you have to go on a date with Jessica," Kris suggested. "Fine with me, but if I win you have to do something surprising on the show while we are on air."  Tao put in. So, both boys stood at a reasonable distance near each other. It was Tao who went first, and as he got into stance raised the cup and tossed it into the trash with ease. 

          " m-made it already?!" Kris was in a phase of shocked amazement, but shook it off and bounced up and down a bit. "That was a lucky shot."

            Tao watched Kris closely and laughed right as he tossed the cup that was half way empty. "Ya!!" The laugh suddenly became a choke followed by coughs. "Which one of you did this?" It was Minho hyung, and he was standing by the trash can soaking wet. Tao stole a glance at Kris as he whispered, "You lost, I expect quite the show." Bowing twice in apology towards Minho, and then darting into the costume and makeup area. Greeting the workers with enthusiastic sincerity. 

            "Ahha.....geugae (that).....Mi-mian (sorry)...." Kris said running after Tao. Minho couldn't believe it, but he kept his cool and called in a favor from the stylists that were helping with costume, hair & makeup. Fortunately, Minho was able to get out of the wet clothing.


       As the hosts were introducing themselves, Tao grinned sheepishly leaning toward Kris and said, "I hope you don't dissapoint," laughing teasingly. Kris gazed back towards Tao in reply, "Joha! (fine)"

       "Wow you boys are like eye candy to the public," stated Hyeong Don. The hosts for the show were none other then comedian Jeong Hyeong Don and rapper Defconn. They both had quite the personalities. Great enough to entertain anyone. The boys and hosts began with questions followed by the segment "Random Dance" where guests are asked to perform dances to their songs at random. It was a sight to see, but EXO got through it smoothly. 

        "So we are going to move onto a new segment we call "Music Drama!" Defconn announced happily. The boys clapped in awkwardness, not knowing what sort of game they were getting into. "To indulge our viewers happily, and as fan service Tao and Kris will be acting out a love scene to a song picked by one lucky Saesang (Fan)!" Hyeong Don explained. Tao and Kris exchanged funny glances, but it couldn't be helped. 

           " guys don't know the song yet." The staff and hosts laughed in unison. "The song fans have chosen for you is Heart Attack!"

          Kris had so many thoughts going through his mind, what should we do? oh...this is so weird why does he suddenly look so attractive to me now? 

         Tao gazed back and took the lead using as much improvisation his mind could conjure, "I knew you would be like this, so I came after you," Tao said with a smile, "I didn't mean to be late why'd you walk off." Kris was a bit taken back by Tao's skills at acting and went with the flow, " Hyung...." He replied with a more inspired look, it was as if Tao became the light at the end of the tunnel.

     "What I wanted to tell you earlier before you ran off.....w-was...ehemmm," Tao went scarlet red as he coughed out the words, "I ...l-like you."

      As everyone anticipated Kris's move the lights around him went dim as if no one else was around him. My heart is going to beat out of my chest. What's wrong with me?! Looking at him makes my head go upside down and all around. I'm going CRAZY!!! 

     "Hyung, are you alright?" Tao asked. Just as the song ended everyone was taken by surprise by Kris's reply. Standing there in complete silence was Kris and Tao. Tao's eyes were huge, just like a panda surprised. Kris with his eyes closed tight. 

        "Ohhh....oh..oh.....ya!!" Hyeong Don shouted in absolute surprise. Defconn's jaw dropped, his glasses looked like they were about to shatter in complete shock.

        Tao and Kris were sharing a genuine kiss. Defconn pushed his glasses and yelled "CUT!" sending the entire studio into roars of laughter. The rest of the show went smoothly, at that was until the two were back in the car together. Tao and Kris spent the rest of the ride to the dorm stealing glances at each other and sitting silently. 

           "Ya...what was that passionate kiss all about?" Minho asked closely observing the two in the back seats. Kris flushed in an assortment of red colors, and Tao focused his gaze outside. None replied but the atmosphere in the van was densely questioned. 


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