Maybe Slightly

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Marina's POV

I've been awake for a good 30 minutes now. It's 9:51am.
As I admire Elizabeth, I'm sent into a deep train of thoughts.

I was laying on my back with my arms at my sides and Elizabeth was snoring softly next to me. She layed on her side with one of her hands resting on my stomach. Usually, it would make me uncomfortable to be in this position, but this didn't make me feel uncomfortable, this felt safe... whatever 'this' was.

I place one of my hands on hers and run my thumb across her knuckles, taking in as many details as I could at the time without having to worry about being caught staring at her. I couldn't understand anything with the situation I was in. Firstly, I don't invite people to my home - there's a reason I live alone, It's because this house is my pride and joy, and I don't like to share it with anyone because of the significance of it.. all of the paintings, the quotes, the small details dented in the walls from the greatest and worst times of my life. So, it's strange that I just invited Elizabeth for no reason other than the fact I was itching to see those green eyes and those auburn strands of hair once again.

Not only this, but she slept in my bed. I wanted her to sleep in my bed, with me in it. I'm usually an extremely reserved person and I'm comfortable around almost no one, aside from Melanie whom I've known for 8 years. I knew Elizabeth for 5 days and those 5 days have equaled out to the comfort level from a friend of 8 years. I don't know what was happening to me, maybe I was getting sick? Maybe I was getting over Jack? I don't know what it was. But maybe it's not me. Maybe it's Elizabeth. Maybe Elizabeth has an 'effect' on me. Maybe Ashley was right.

I'll tell myself that it isn't true for as long as I can but, I maybe slightly possibly could have a tiny crush on Elizabeth. But you won't hear me say it twice.

My thoughts were interrupted by a tickling feeling on my stomach. I look down and see Elizabeth's elegant fingers tracing over the small dips in my skin. Goosebumps spread across my arms and legs and the hairs on the back of my back stood as I got shivers down my spine. Elizabeth didn't seem to notice as she continues to drag her acrylic nails across the skin ever so gently.

"Good morning Marina" She mumbles with her eyes still closed.
"Good morning, good sleep?" I asked quietly, still entertained by her hand.
"Wonderful" she said. I looked at her now open eyes and she looks at mine. We stayed like this for a good 30 seconds until she smiled lightly and sat up, removing her hand from my stomach. She stretched her arms out and then let them drop again. She looked at me and I just laughed softly.

"You look adorable" I said which brought a light crimson color to her cheeks. I smiled and got up opening the curtains to let some sunlight in.. But to my disappointment, it was light overcast so you couldn't really tell if it was gonna clear up or start bucketing. I thought about it for a minute and said a mental fuck it.

"Elizabeth??" I asked turning around to see her completely covered in blankets, taking up the whole bed. I laughed at the sight.
"Yessss?" She asked.
"Will you be staying for the day today?" I asked sort of hopeful.
"Well I have nothing better to do so if you want me to I will" She said and yawned.
"I would love you to.. so with that settled, get your ass up and get ready, we're going for a walk" I said smiling. She groaned but did as I said.

>2 hours later<

Lana's POV

We had arrived around 40 minutes ago and myself and Marina were just walking at a slow pace talking about anything really.

"So, Elizabeth, do you mind if I ask about your family?" She asked softly.
"No no of course not.. uhhh my dad passed away 10 years ago from lung cancer, he was a heavy smoker his whole life so that kinda explains that.. I have a brother and a sister, Caroline aka chuck and Charlie, they're both living in New York somewhere, we don't really talk a lot." I dragged on."and my mom.. She was kinda my best friend, when I took the wrong paths in school, she got me help, even though I was angry at the time for her doing so, I realized when I arrived home that she was doing it for me and I really appreciated that" I smiled at the thought but the smile soon was taken off my face as I thought of how to word my next sentences.

"That all happened 7 years ago so my mom and I bonded for the 6 years up until last year" I looked up at the sky then back down to the ground stuffing my hands in my pockets as myself and Marina take a seat on a bench next to a small river.
"We were driving in the mustang, on a road trip and I remember her saying 'Lizzy I'm getting quite tired, could you take over driving' So I did just that. We pulled over and switched seats. I remember she fell asleep for about an hour or so and as we reached the outskirts of our destination, I looked to my side and used my arm to shake her gently. I said 'mom, mom wake up, we're here!' and as I saw her beautiful eyes flutter open, I turned my view back onto the road and.." I take small deep breaths trying to stay strong. Marina grabs one of my hands and intertwines our fingers, giving me slightly more strength.
"And because I wasn't paying attention to the road, I had let us drift across the highway onto the wrong side.. I swerved and an oncoming car smashed into the passenger side of our car which was the side my mom was on.. she was rushed to the hospital and I sat in that waiting room for 7 fucking hours only to have a doctor walk out and tell me that my mom died during that surgery." My voice cracked and I finally let the tears come out as well as a pained sob. I looked up at Marina. "I killed my mom Marina, My best friend, the woman who gave me life, I gave her death. I. Killed. Her." Marina pulled me close to her and I sobbed into her for about 5 minutes straight.

"Elizabeth I'm so sorry" she said as she strokes my back softly. I'm glad she didn't say something like 'it's not your fault' because we both knew that it was, though unintentional.
"It's just hard to live with, to wake up every morning and have that weight on my shoulders you know? .... that's why my mustangs name is Mona, my moms nickname was Mona Lisa because they always wore the same expression... after the crash I spent tens of thousands of dollars getting the car fixed and I still drive it to this day, obviously" I smiled at the memories and wipe my eyes.
"I'm sorry for that whole thing that just happened Marina... anyway, how about your family?" I said sitting up and wrapping an arm around her as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"No don't apologise, I'm honoured that you trust me enough to have opened up to me like that" she says and looks up at me with those gorgeous golden eyes of hers. God she was beautiful. I smile and kiss her head softly. She blushes and goes back to her previous position.
"Well, I have a sibling, her name is Lafina.. she's a doctor, a damn good one too.. we're quite close, we talk on the phone every other day or we go to have lunch when she's not busy.. now my parents" she chuckled bitterly "I'm not good enough for them. My sister is a doctor, something that actually requires brains and music doesn't according to them. My dad lives in Greece and my mum lives in Wales. I can't remember the last time I talked to them if I'm honest... maybe 7 months ago? And I don't want to talk to them either, all they do and will ever do is bring me down. I'm happier without them" she finished off

"Well I'm proud of you for ridding yourself of negative people" I smiled down at her gently and she returned the gesture.

She then got a text.
"Do you want to meet my sister?" She asked after reading the text.
"Sure, why not"
Little did me or Marina know, I had already met Marina's sister and her face haunts my memory with every minute I think of my mothers death.

1555 words

Expect some drama in next chapter and also expect some larina either next chapter or the one after ((((;;;;

Haven't proof read this cause I'm so rebellious.

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