False Implications

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I stg every time I update this story it's 2am-5am, right now it's 2:26am and I have to get up at 7. I blame wattpad for how tired I'm going to be tomorrow... later today idk.

Lana's POV

I had just woken up but not yet had I opened my eyes. The faint smell of vanilla and lavender rested around my nostrils, it smelled divine. I finally decided to open my eyes and I'm greeted to soft white blankets.. I was in a bed? how on earth did I get here? Did I sleepwalk?.

All the questions in my head literally gave me a headache. I grunted and got up walking to the bathroom looking in the cabinets trying to find some sort of painkillers. No luck.

I sighed and walked back to the bed trying to ignore the pain. I clicked the home button on my phone and saw that it was 7:21 am. quite early.. for me anyway.


After about 45 minutes of browsing social media, I decided to get up and grab myself a glass of water.

I open the bedroom door and sure enough, I'm greeted by silence.. bunch of lazy asses.

My feet quietly padded along the wooden floor as I make my way to the kitchen. I open the cupboard where Ash and Mel keep their cups and pull one out. I grab the filtered water from the fridge and fill my glass. I sit on the counter aimlessly looking through Instagram for no apparent reason.

"Morning" I hear a quiet groggy voice say. I whip my head up and see a tired-eyed, pajama dressed, messy haired, makeup-less Marina. She looked adorable.

"Good morning, sleep well?" I asked politely. She shrugged beginning to make herself a tea.

"Could've been better" She smiles lightly.

Then, out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed the puddle of blankets on the couch.

"You slept there?" I asked confused. She nodded, waiting for the water to boil.

She then walked past me and I smelled the smell I had woken up to. Vanilla and Lavender.

"Did you move me from the chair last night?" I asked and she nodded.

"I woke up in the middle of the night because Ashley and Mel were having 'relations'" She uses air quotes and shivered in disgust. I laughed.

"Lucky you," I said sarcastically. She fake gagged which just caused me to laugh again.

"But yeah.. those interesting noises woke me so I came out here to grab a glass of orange and then I saw you sitting in the chair and you looked so uncomfortable, you would've had a terrible neck this morning. So I then took it upon myself to pick you up and put you in the bed. Hence why I slept on the couch." She finished and began pouring hot water into her mug.

"That's very considerate, thank you," I said genuinely, giving her a shy smile in which she returned a tired one.

"Is your neck alright?" I asked and she rotated her head a bit to see if her neck was okay. While she was doing this I barely heard her say she was fine because I only then took notice of her pajamas. A cropped top and sweats. Holy world of Satan. This woman had some serious abs on her. Considering I'm a closeted Bi-sexual, this was definitely attractive. That's when I noticed a rather large scar.

"Marina?" I asked looking back up to her eyes. She had her arms crossed and a small smirk plastered on my face. A small blush crept onto my face realizing that I had been caught.

"Yes, hun?" She asked taking a sip of her tea.

"What's that scar from? it's quite big" I asked pointing to it. Almost immediately I see the emotion leave her face and I knew I had crossed a line.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cross any boundaries, forget I asked," I said quickly.

"No no, it's fine... I guess all I can really say for that, is that I once was in a toxic relationship.. and well yeah.." She said quietly playing with her fingers. I nodded and she sighed softly, setting her tea down.

"I didn't mean to force that out of you, I'm really sorry," I said sincerely, shifting so I was sitting on the edge of the counter with my legs dangling. She looked up at me, dead in the eye and I must admit, it was rather intimidating. We just stared at each other for a good 30 seconds in a comfortable silence, that is until Ashley walked in.

"Woo, am I interrupting something here?"

Both Marina and I looked over at Ashley.

"No, but I was tempted to interrupt a noisy something at 2 am this morning" Marina replied quickly, narrowing her eyes at Ashley who had suddenly turned bright red and had nothing to say which caused myself and Marina to laugh.

Ashley then mumbled something that I didn't quite catch, but Marina did.

"Stop with that will you" Marina grumbled

"You know it's true," Ashley said and I could tell she was starting to get on Marina's nerves.

"I don't know how or why you're my best friend sometimes," Marina said and shook her head.

"You're not denying it," Ashley said just for the purpose of pissing her best friend off even more.

Marina's POV

Ashley was implying that Elizabeth and I were crushing on each other. We weren't. I'm completely fine with dating a girl but not when I've only known her for a day and a bit. I mean yeah she's sweet, funny, attractive etc but it doesn't change the fact I barely know her.

But anyway, back to the current situation.

"Oh by the way, abs are coming along nicely Mar, Eí mai vévaios óti i Lana tous arései (i'm sure Lana likes them - Greek)

"Ashley" I said in a warning tone. She smirks and whispers in my ear.

"Eínai dýo" (She's bi)

"Ashley, enough" I tip the rest of my tea down the sink and walk out, having had enough of this conversation. I then walk out not looking at either one of them while doing so. I heard the soft voice of Elizabeth as I left.

"I have no idea what just happened".


I walk into my room closing the door behind me. I take my shirt off and look for a new one to wear.

As my shirt hits the floor, I hear the click of the door opening and look over at it seeing a now crimson-cheeked Elizabeth

"Sorry, I uh.. I was gonna grab my phone.. I'll grab it when you're done... sorry.. again" She said and scurried out. I chuckled softly.

I think I could get used to that girl


Only 1110 words this time... sorry guys

Also, half of this chapter didn't post last night and I have no clue why so I aplogize for that too.

But anywho, with all of this fixed now, I will see ya'll next chapter x.

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