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After breakfast Sev and Harry get ready Sev picks Harry up and say we going to diagon ally in London and with a pop they leave the house and with another pop they are in the ally Harry looks on amazed at a the shops "where we go fiwst  daddy?" Harry asks, Sev looks at Harry with delight st being called daddy " well we need to go to the bank called Gringots  to blood adopt you and see if everything's in order then we can go shopping for clothes and toys for you how that sound Harry?" Sev says " sounds ood daddy" Harry says excitedly clapping his hands. They walk to the bank well Sev does Harry is still being carried and they enter in Sev whispers " they goblins Harry be nice and try not to stere as they are very proud"harry nods rests his head on Sev's  shoulder
Severus goes up to the counter and tells the goblin he wants to blood adopt Harry and check for inheritance he might or not have the goblin tells him to sit on the chair and griphook
Will call them when he's ready. So they sit for 2 minuets when Griphook comes out and says " lord Snape and Mister Potter come follow me" they do so griphook sits behind a large mahogany desk with dark red leather on top with gold swirls Sev and harry take to dark green leather winged chairs as griphook sits on a red captains chair the walls are brown with gold leaves on them making the room dark but cosy. " so I hear you want to blood adopt Harry well first we need some blood to see if harry is truly Harry then we can go on to the adoption so harry I need you to cut your finger slightly and put 5 drops of blood in the bowl for me here's a knife to do it Lord Snape can help you if you need it" explains griphook in  a soft voice ,Harry picks up the knife and gives it to Severus "daddy an ou elp pewase as me no llowed sharp ings" harry asks " of course I will Harry" Sev takes the knife and runs it gently over the top of Harry's finger making a cut like a paper cut size and takes Harry's finger and squeezes his finger so 5 drops of blood go into the bowel once he done so he waves he wand and Harry's cut is healed " daddy how ou do tat ?" Harry asks " Harry I'll explain when we get home as we got lots to do already ok" Sev explains "ok daddy" harry says lovingly,
meanwhile griphook has poured the bowl on a piece of parchment and as he's reading it his hands are shaking Griphook reads aloud
Fake birth certificate
Name Harry James potter
Mother lily Evens
Farther James potter
God parent Sirius Black

Real and official birth certificate
Name Rigel Severus Snape-Malfoy
Mother Severus Snape
Farther Lucius Arabaxous Snape -Malfoy
Twin brother Draco Lucius Snape -Malfoy
Godparents Sirius Black , Remus Lupin , Tom Riddle ,Fenir Grayback
Oblivate age 1 Albus
Inhertince blocked
Parlsetongue and parlsemagic blocked
Broken  bones both legs ribs head fracture
Potter  family vault 333,7596
125,000 To Dursley from Albus Dumbledore
Snape Family vault 456,98756
MalfoyFamily vault 9999,897235
Harry Potter vault 222,2341
Rigel Snape Malfoy vault 987,5678
After griphook reads all this  Severus is in tears " griphook can you get the blocks off me and Rigel please" asks Severus of course follow me they all go down some black stone steps and enter an aqua room with dark blue medical beds in which have torques pillows "take a bed each lie down and a goblin will be in to get any blocks off you be warned it may hurt" griphook said and then he left as two new goblins came in one went to Severus and the other went to Harry or now known as Rigel they started chatting over each of their charges green red and blue and gold and silver light shined over each head pain went through Sev and Rigel but not one cried out in pain then as quick as it started it then disappeared it's over you need to go back to Griphook  Sev and Rigel thanked the goblins held hands and walked back to the office.
Now while Severus and Rigel was left on the chamber Griphook had fire called Lucius and Draco and since they only had an oblivate on them he took it off them and told Lucius his marriage to Narcissa has been Anuld so when Severus and Rigel came in he hugged them lots and Rigel and Draco cried in each other's arms as their twin Bond started to come back. Severus and Lucius decided to leave all the rest of shopping and go back to their house which is Malfoy manor once they get their Rigel goes up to Sev and says "Daddy do me still call ou daddy ??" Sev picks him up on his lap " my darling Rigel you can call me daddy and this man papa as he is your daddy too" Sev explains Rigel then jumps off his daddy's and lap and climbs upon his papas lap "ello papa My ame wigel" Lucius smiled and said shall we call you Reg for short Rigel looked up at his papa and smiled

Harry/ Rigel baby speak
an= can
Fiwst= first
Ou = you
Elp = help
Pewease = please
llowed= allowed
Ings = things
Tat= that
Ello = hello
Ame= name
Wigel = Rigel

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