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( Note from now on Harry will be called Rigel or Reg  Severus will be called Severus Sev daddy by Rigel and dad by Draco 
Lucius will be called Lucius luc papa by Reg or father by Draco from now on. Oh and I don't own Harry Potter or make money from this story .)

Rigel wakes up and opens his eyes and finds him self looking up at a dark blue ceiling with stars that seem to twinkle, he also feels like he's lying on a cloud wait and all snug he rubs his eyes with his fits and  cry's out "Daddy Papa where re ou" Sev comes in to the room "oh as our little man woke from his nap"Sev coos and puts him on a changing mat and changes his diaper and puts a nice baby grow on him that's dark green and wraps him in his blanket and puts a dummy in his mouth that has a snake on it "let's go see papa and Draco darling" Sev cuddles him while carries him downstairs 
"Hello little man you have nice nap naps"  Lucius says Rigel just nod in his dozy awake state Draco comes in "I have Little Reg's bottle can I feed him please dad, father" "cause you can Draco here you sit down and I'll put him in your arms" Sev says , once Draco has Reg in place , he removes Regs dummy and gives Reg the bottle of warm milk " that's it baby you drink all your milk It's so yummy isn't it"Draco coos, once he's had his milk and is burped Draco sits him on his lap "Rigel listen up baby we going to give you your rules now any rules broken will lead to punishment punishments are
Spankings over the knee either on your diapered bottom or on bear bottom but only a hand will be used
Corner time
No new toys
No sweet milk chocolate milk and strawberry milk
Of your a good boy
Then we take you to a fun place like zoo or park at weekend
New toys
Sweet milks
So rules
1 never say No if told to do something
2 don't have a tantrum
3 never remove diaper without permission
4 always say please and thank you
5 always tell the truth and never keep secrets from us
Do you understand Rigel" Lucius says Rigel takes his dummy out and say "es papa" and does grabby hands papa takes him off Draco and gives him hugs "ok sweet baby let's get you dressed Draco brought you all your new clothes while you was having a nap" Lucius takes Reg back up to his nursery and now he takes in his room it has soft dark blue carpet with a dark wooden crib with a mattress the walls are light blue with broomsticks that move on it then their is a dark wooden toy chest that says Rigels  toys on it and a nice book case that has lots of books on it and a rocking chair with foot stool and then theirs the changing table that has drawers with nappy's and pjs and baby grows theirs also a cupboard at one end that contains wipes , powder and cream, near to the changing table is a red door which takes you to his own bathroom and next to the red door is a blue door which is Harry's walk in wardrobe for his clothes and shoes Rigel whispers "fank ou Papa his fow me"
"Yes darling boy and I'm glad you like it now let's get you dressed" luscious takes off the baby grow and puts some red jeans on and a green t-shirt and a blue jumper that has a grey elephant that's fluffy on it and puts socks on and some brown shoes on their don't you look adorable let's go back down so you can play with daddy and Draco Lucius carry's him down stairs then puts him on the floor Rigel walks up to his daddy and gives him a hug " fank ou daddy fow my woom me Loves it" "awww you very welcome sweetie now what shall we play" daddy asks " pwease can we play blocks" "cause we can, Draco bring the building blocks over so the four of them built all sorts Reg built a big tower with the help of Draco and Sev and Lucius built a castle all was going great until Reg thought it be fun to knock the tower down but Draco got really cross and shouted " what you do that for , you stupid little freak" Lucius got angry and told Draco to go up to his room Reg was crying so both his papa and daddy was giving him cuddles " hey shhhh sweetie Draco didn't mean it and your papa will talk to him but your not a freak and we love you so much shhhhhhh" his daddy rocks  him and conjures up some chocolate milk warm and says here drink baby it make it better"  meanwhile Lucius goes up to Draco's Room " what was that about Draco I know it's hard to think you have a brother and your not used to shearing but he was abused and the people who abused him called him a freak I'm disappointed in you I want you to go downstairs and appologise then after dinner I want you to write I must not be mean to my brother or call him a freak 50 times before you go to bed now get down them stairs" Draco says " yes father and leaves" Lucius follows Draco enters the living room " hi Dad , Rigel I'm sorry I called you a freak your not a freak I just got angry but please know I happy to have you as a brother and I love you" Rigel turns to Draco and says " hats ok Dwaco me fowgiwe ou me  happy hat ouwe my bofer too" and jumps off his daddy's lap and gives Draco big hugs Draco picks him up and gives him a kiss on the forehead and reads him a book while Sev and Lucius do the dinner just as Draco has got to the end of the story Lucius shouts dinner time so Draco picks up Reg and Carey's him to the dinning room and puts him in his high chair which is red and yellow striped with a yellow tray table Draco fastens the straps and takes his seat next to it Sev and Lucius sit in their normal seats Lucius at the head and Sev in between him and Reg Sev feeds Reg some mash potato and Reg eats all of it and sits playing with a toy car while he waits for every one to finish so they can start on desert soon it's dessert time and Reg gets fed apple sauce he enjoys it so much he asks daddy " pwease mowe Daddy it's so ummy ummy " Sev laughs and says " no baby you eat it all but if your good you can have some nice juice before your milk at story time before nighttime" " okay daddy me be good me have ju ju" Sev gives Reg a kiss on the nose and wipes his face ok play with your teddy's then it's bath time, Draco you stay here and do your lines while me and your father clean up" once Sev has put Reg on the floor he starts to play with his favourite teddy's which is a grey wolf a black dog a black bear and a  white blond bear  they all bout to go on a treasure hunt when Reg is his sitting crossed legged in the living room with his back to the entrance gets tickled from behind " ahhhh ha ha pad elp" Reg half shouts half screams to his black dog teddy " they won't help as they know it's your bath time"  his daddy and papa say together and before  Reg knows it his been picked up and carried in to his nursery and though the red door in to his own bathroom his papa starts running his bath while his daddy has put him on the floor and is getting undressed he watches his papa put in lots of bubble bath and lots of toys including a boat and some bath crayons once Sev has got him undressed he carefully puts Reg in the bath and while Lucius plays with him Sev washes him all over after the bath is over Sev picks Reg out of the bath and wraps him in a silver fluffy towel and makes Sure's his dry then takes him back in the nursery where he re diapers Reg and puts him in some footed pyjamas with dragons and snakes on them and asks Lucius to get Rigel's juice while his papa has gone Rigel asks his daddy " daddy ou waz goin to tell me what you did at gingots to make my boo go way" "ahhh yes well darling do you know what magic is ??" Asks Sev " yes it not weal  unt pet and nucle ver day it not weal"say Reg simply " well they wrong magic is real and me you your papa and Draco are wizards and I did magic to heal or finger"  Reg " so hey waz wight me am a fweak but me don't mind me hawe you papa and Dwaco so me appy , can ou show me mowe magic pwease daddy" " No Rigel your not a freak and cause I can show your more" Sev picks his wand up and waves it so all different colours soothing swirl round Reg Lucius comes in and hand Sev the bottle of juice and carries on the enchanted lights and picks a book up to read to Reg while he drinks his Juice and watches the lights fading from red to purple to blue to aqua to green yellow gold white silver and listens to his Papas soothing voice and his daddy's breathing soon his juice is finished and so is the story Sev asks Reg " Do you want your milk or are you full" " meee fuuulll upp" yawns Reg so sev carry's him and Luc  him down in the cot conjures two chairs and tuts the lights off leaving a night light on but does one more charm so that the cot rocks gently to sound of the sea while he gives Reg his dummy and his dog pads his wolf moon black bear sevy and white blond bear lucy and him and Lucius sit their and watch until Reg is dreamland.

Reg baby words
Es= yes
Mowe = more
Dwaco = Draco
Pwease = please
Waz= was
ou= you
appy= happy
Fweak = freak
Hawe = have
gingots = Gringgots
Unt pet = Aunt petunia
Nucle ver= Uncle vernon
Goin = going
Elp = help
Fowgwie = forgive
hat/ hats = that / that's
ouwe= your
Ummy ummy = yummy yummy

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