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Rigel wakes up as he feels someone picking him up he rubs his eyes "Dwaco what ou doin?" " I'm getting you ready for your breakfast and your surprise" Draco says as he puts him on the changing table and changes Rigels nappy and gets him dressed in some jeans and a green t-shirt with a golden snitch on it which when you touch it it starts to fly around the t-shirt only stopping once you touch it again. Draco carries Rigel downstairs and sits him in his high chair " morning Angels" Sev says "mownin Daddy" Rigel says " morning Dad" Draco says , Lucius comes in "morning Sev,morning boys, here reg here's your breakfast I'm sure daddy will help you eat it" "mownin papa and ummy"Rigel says excitedly.
Once breakfast is over Lucius cleans up reg and helps him down let's go find your surprise shall we Lucius leads them in side the conservatory where a big black dog is sitting patiently " padfou!!" Rigel shouts running up to the dog and giving it a hug "look Dwaco, papa , Daddy my padfou has gwown into a real dog" reg says excitedly " no baby boy this is your godfather who turns into padfoot so your padfoot is named after him your god fathers name is Sirius and he's so excited to meet you look he's turning back into Sirius now" Lucius explains,Rigel's eyes go wide as he watches padfoot turn back in to Sirius " hello pup" Sirius says as he picks Reg up " Ello Siwius my name is Wigel but ou can call me Weg tho I do like pup woof woof" Rigel says everyone starts to laugh "shall we move to the living room so we can play and chat Remus will be coming over later " Sirius explains so they all move into the living room reg and Sirius play building while Draco and Sev play wizards chess while Lucius reads the daily prophet then reads a book until Reg breaks the silence by shouting "LOOK WHATME AND SIWIUS BUILT WE BUILT HOGWAWTS!!!" " wow that's really good but remember indoor voice sweetie"Lucius says Reg hangs his head and goes over to his Papa " Sowwy Papa me won't do it again" " that's ok Reg" Lucius says and picks Reg up so he's sitting on his lap and soothing " shhh baby I'm not going to hurt you , Sirius can you go fetch regs milk please" Sirius comes back with the milk Draco comes over and sits by his father and brother " hey baby brother I love what you and Sirius built it's so cool isn't it Dad ??" " yes Draco it is you did really well squirt I'm proud of you" Reg smiles around his bottle and slowly falls asleep they stay like that until the door bell goes and Dobby the house elf pops up by Sev and says "Remus lupin is to see you Sir" " thanks Dobby Show him in" Remus walks in " Hello everyone" Draco gives him a hug " hello uncle Remus" Remus smiles and hugs him back and sits next to Sirius on the floor as Reg wakes up "Sowwy ,me went nap naps oops," everyone says "that's ok and you nothing to apologise for" Draco says " hey Reg look Uncle Remus is here but you can call him moony" " Hi nucle wemus are you like nucle Siwius can you change into a bigger wolf like my moony teddy ??" Asks Reg Remus smiles and starts to explain Hi Rigel and yes but I can only change on full moon as your uncle Sirius can change into Padfoot   when he likes" " oh okay" Reg says understanding " Dwaco can you get me moony padfoo sevy and lucy please do we can play with them pwease" Reg asks " of course I can" Draco says then goes to fetch his stuffed teddy's then they play Sirius having the black dog Remus with the wolf Draco with lucy and Reg with Sevy.

Rigels/regs baby words
Dwaco = Draco
Ou = you
Doin= doing
Mownin= morning
Ummy = yummy
Padfou = padfoot
Ello = hello
Wigel = Rigel
Weg = Reg
Siwius = Sirius
HOGWAWTS = Hogwarts
Sowwy = sorry
Nucle = Uncle
Wemus = Remus
Pwease = please

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