Episode 3

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Yep. So after yet another yelling match, the rest of my night was shit. I ended up slapping Daniel across the face and I ended up sleeping on the couch. So, Padilla 1 Bernardo 1.

"DJ, Kath. Up." Big Bob yelled from the other side of the door. I groaned and sat up. My back aching furiously, Daniel was sleeping on his stomach, snoring lightly. His innocence only made me hate him more than I already did, if that's possible.

I grabbed the pillow that his head was nestled in and whipped him with it. He groaned and sat up. "What!" His voice was tired and raspy. I glared at him and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.


Daniel grabbed my hand, walking in front of me and lead me down the hallway. We smiled every time a person walked by. "DJ, Kath! Finally!" Magui threw his hands in the air as we all walked outside. I smiled big as I saw everyone.

"Kathryn! Kathryn! Daniel! Daniel!" The reporters and paparazzi's called out then hammered us with questions. We got into the limo and Robert our other chauffeur, drove to wherever our next destination is. I leaned my head against the window, just wanting my life to be over, but no, I'm stuck here in the deep hole of tragedy sitting next to Daniel, faking smiles, forcing laughter and holding hands.

I looked to where we were. I rolled my eyes not wanting to face the interviewers and paparazzi and the fans who wanted a picture. I do love my fans, but I hate taking pictures. It's awkward.

Daniel grabbed my hand and helped me out of the limo and snaked his muscular arm around my petite waist and walked me into the building where they would continue talking about the damn album while I sit there in the stupid wheelie chair, bored as hell.

"Magui!" Danny, one of the music producers called, "Daniel, JC" He greeted every single one of them but me. I hate this. Whenever I'm with them. I'm invisible, well, I think it's the fact they know it's a scam, so they could care less that I'm here. I opened my twitter looking at the mean and hurtful tweets Daniel's fans sent me then my wonderful fans backing me up. I glared at the hate tweet someone sent me.

@bernardokath Teen Queen? More like Trash Queen!

"Are you ok?" I heard someone beside me, I looked over seeing Gaby. She must've just gotten here. I forced a smile and nodded. She saw me on twitter on my precious iPhone. "Kath you should stop reading those." She said. I shrugged and stuffed my phone into my pocket.

"It doesn't bother me." Sort of. I mean, everything is all very hurtful, but not all of it gets to me. Gaby looked at me. "It doesn't." I assured her.

"Mhm." She hummed then turned to Karla and began a conversation with her. I rolled my eyes. I tapped my fingers on my lap, bored.

"You and Kath should do a duet!" Gwen, another music producer suggested. I snapped my head into focus looking at them. I groaned.

"Isn't it bad enough I have to be his "Girlfriend"," I asked using air quotes, he shook his head.

"Well, we need to make it believable now don't we?" Gwen pressed. I sighed and crossed my arms. "We've got a few duets already written out, you two should sing You're My Favorite Song, Wouldn't Change a Thing and Make a Wave."

"Make a Wave is for the Disney oceans movie." Anna chimed. She was one of the co-song writers for Magui or whoever wanted to write a song. "More duets equals more fame more fame equals more money," She added as she continued to edit some songs and fixing them up.

"Done." Daniel said. I sighed knowing I wouldn't have a choice since it's not my album.


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All of them were born in the USA and they all are Americans. :*

 Daniel, JC and Magui are in a band called The Padillas.

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