Here's Episode 15! I've got a new idea for a story, So I will be posting soon! :)
I didn't know how it happened but it did. I looked up to see Daniel staring down at me rubbing my back lightly with his finger tips. "Hello." He smiled. I smiled up at him. He kissed me passionately on the lips. Daniel suddenly pulled away jumping up. I blushed lightly seeing his naked body, yes, you heard me, naked. No clothing. Bare butt. get it.
"Sorry." He said smugly, yanking on his underwear and jeans. He grabbed his grey shirt and pulled it over his head. "See you later?" He asked. I nodded, biting my lip. So, it's official Daniel and I are together. For real. And it feels great.
I sat up, the sheets wrapped around me, I jumped in the shower and lathered the shampoo and conditioner into it.
Daniel's POV
"Daniel John!" Rommel called. I tried to find my voice, knowing I would be in trouble for not coming home last night.
"Yeah?" I croaked out, my voice unsteady. Magui suddenly appeared in the door way.
"Where were--" She then smirked. "Never mind...I think I know what you were doing." She wiggled his eye brows, walking away. "Dad! DJ was at Kath's!" She yelled.
"Magui! No--" Suddenly Dad walked in. He stopped in the door way.
"Oh, Good, you're home! Did you make it right with Kathryn?" He asked, walking towards me, looking in his organizer, thank God he didn't suspect what me and demi did last night.
"Um..." I licked my top lip, nervously, or confused, "Yeah." He nodded his head. "We're good now." I said, sort of realizing it myself.
"Alright, you two only need to fake it a little longer than you two can both go to your original selves." He said, "Meeting with Gwen and Daryl today. Then you and your siblings have an interview than we'll all catch some lunch." He said walking away.
JC burst out laughing as he came down the stairs, "Aw, Man, Dad, So oblivious." JC wiped a fake tear of happiness. "So, Was sex hot?" He asked, I rolled my eyes and slapped him in the side.
"JC, screw off." I muttered. "How did you know we had...?" I trailed off, standing there awkwardly.
"Magui." He said, popping in a breath mint. I nodded. "So, You and Kath together now?" Magui asked. I nodded, fighting a smile. "It's ok, Bro, you can smile all you want. It's called Love." JC smirked walking away.
Kathryn's POV
I walked in the meeting seeing Magui, Daniel and JC already there. Magui and JC looked at me, both wiggling there eye brows at the same time. Eeep. They know. I looked at DJ. He looked away. I slowly walk in. Purposely kicking JC in the leg who was making childish kissy faces at me.
"OW." He groaned. I smirked and sat down on the couch. I felt Daniel staring at me. I looked up, he smiled slightly at me. I smiled a little.
I blinked away tears that formed. "Shit. Shit. Shit." I wiped away a small tear that escaped my eye. Why me?+++
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