Chapter 2: The Huntik Foundation

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Hi Everyone! Alli here. Sorry for such ca long wait on this, I gave up on Wattpad for a long time plus I'm an adult with a job. Anyway here is the next part or this story. Again this is for FlareMacan  and TIenIllStopBreathing who supported me greatly and any of my other followers whose read this book silently

For your information, I didn't know I was going to be duking it out with The Organization on a mysterious island but here I am getting ready to go into battle

*Lok's POV, 6 Hours Earlier from previous chapter*

When Sophie and I arrived at Dante's house after school we go in to see Dante and Zhalia both talking to Metz over video call.

"Ah, there's the school kids" Dante teases and gestures for us to join them on the couch. Sophie leads the way to the couch, dropping our book bags quietly.

"Ah, if we're all here I'd like to begin on the briefing" Metz the leader of the Huntik Foundation begins.

"A strange Island has appeared at dusk and disappears at down everyday for the last few days just off the coast of Italy. Since you are the closest team I want to send you and your team to investigate it Dante. Prepare then embark at dusk" Metz instructs.

"Is there any data on the said island?" Zhalia inquires.

Metz frowns at this question and gives a sigh. "None, that is why your getting sent out. We don't know the magnitude of the danger the island holds. The scans we've tried to make on he island has either come up with nothing or hasn't come back at all. It's like there's a barrier that protects the island. I am needed in a meeting. Good luck Seekers" Metz says and ends the call.

"Well seekers we have a mission, prepare now. We only have a few hours until dusk. Prepare for anything" Dante announces and gets off the couch, offering a hand to Zhalia. It's no secret the two of them have been secretly dating for some time. I glance over at Sophie. My long time crush and blushes when she sees I'm staring.

"Lok stop staring and get going. You know you take forever to pack anyway. and I'm not helping you pack this time" she fusses and goes the other way to go to her room.

After she's gone I get up and slowly make my way to my room. When I open the door O spot Cherit hanging in the hammock I made for him. "Hey Cherit, we've got a mission" I inform the small Titan.

"Where to this time Lok? The Alps? The Bahama's? I hope it isn't Texas"  He exclaims and I roll my eyes.

"It's worse in other areas but no, we're going to this island that's appearing and disappearing off the coast of Italy" I inform the Titan, he instantly becomes stiff and makes his way to the open window.

"Well I just remembered I have something to do so I will be going now. Bye!" Cherit says and rushes into the sky. "Well that was weird..." I says as I watch him fly off until he's disappeared from sight then move to pack up my gear, gathering the Titans who I didn't care with me to school.

*3 Hours Earlier then the last chapter, the Dock off of Italy, Lok's POV*

We gather at around Dante's Holotome as we listen to the briefing.

"Mission; Explore the unknown island and report back findings to Huntik Foundation Headquarters" The female voice reports then shuts off.

"That sounds easy enough" Zhalia says and looks off into the ocean.

"Don't underestimate this....something feels off" Dante warns as he gets into the boat. He offers a hand to both of the girls as they get onto the boat. I get in next and sit beside Zhalia who side eyes me. Dante is starting up the engine as Cherit flies in and lands on my lap.

"Hiya! I'm ready for the mission" he says as he settles into my lap.

"Glad you could join us Cherit" Dante says as he pulls away from the dock and towards the open sea. We all keep an eye out for the island as we drive around the coast, going farther and farther out towards the sea.

"Dante! Look over there!" Zhalia yells over the motor and points from where we came from, in place of the open ocean is a large island.

"Whoa where did that come from!" Sophie exclaims and stands up to look at It, Zhalia pulls her down before she falls off the boat and into the open sea.

"Careful Sophie! The missions barely begun and we've already almost lost you" Dante jokes as he makes a U-Turn and go towards the Island. When we make landfall we disembark onto land. I have to shield my eyes from the sun it's so bright. "what? Why is the sun out when it's night time!" I ask and Dante ponders. "it seems there's a special spell casted over this island to ensure that the sun pattern is continuous no matter where the island physically is....Well team, let's go" Dante instructs when we're all on land, Cherit rests on my shoulder as we begin our hike into the Island. After an hour of hiking, we come across a cave.

"We can set up camp here" Dante says and puts his pack down. "Lok and I will gather firewood and make a fire, while Zhalia and Sophie make the defenses" he instruct and stands up, ready to go into the jungle. "Come on Lok" he calls as we disappear into the jungle.

We're gathering wood when we hear a thunk and a groan of a female. "Be careful Lok" Dante warns as I go around the tree and see that a teen is laying there with a large bump on her head. "Where did she come from.." Dante whispers as he comes up behind me.

"Wherever she came from....we need to find out" Dante says lowly and begins to grab her arms. "grab the legs and let's take her back to camp" he says gently, the sun setting in the distance. "It's getting late" He says as we near camp.

"Should we tie her up?" I ask

"What did you do to her Lok!" Sophie screeches when she sees us bringing the girl into camp.

"Why do I get the blame!" I ask and frown at the British girl. "And we found her like this Sophie" I retort back.

"Do you think she's okay? Are there more of them?" Sophie asks softly as she looks over the girl.

"Maybe...Let's look around, Lok stay here and wait until she wakes up" Dante orders.

"Aww why me!" I groan

"Because Sophie already stayed behind twice so it's your turn!" Zhalia interrupts and turns around. "Now stay! Come on Cherit" she tells our friendly Titan.

"Alright" The white titan says as the rest of them leave and I settle into my seat next to the sleeping girl.

For a few minutes it's silent before she speaks. "You should never be alone on this island" She says creepily before everything goes black.

It's a blur of what happened next, all I know is I was tied up then release  with a lot of talking happening in between before a red alarm goes off,  the sound of footsteps and the groaning of a metal door is what I hear, my head still fuzzy as we head towards battle which is where we are right now....

1; I made a reference about Texas because I'm working in Texas right now when I should be in Maine but oh well. I'm not slamming the state or what happened. I just wanted to put in a little bit of the current status of the U.S in the book since I'm working in that area.

This is an very unedited peice of work so forgive me. This is also going to maybe be my last time using Lok's POV, I really just used it to show how the Huntik team got onto Huntia.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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