Saturday, October 14, 2017

28 3 4

Peggy's POV

The sun streamed in through the window, it's soft rays from the early morning gently caressing my face.  Through the night, a few of us nodded off, falling asleep due to exhaustion.

The only ones who remained awake through the night were me, Alex, and George III. No one else had enough willpower to withstand the night. John was asleep on Alex's back and my inner fangirl died from happiness.

We almost didn't make it through the night. Because of Herc. As soon as he fell asleep, he started snoring. And lucky for us, the person muttering the scary phrases was almost right by our dorm when Herc started, and overheard Herc's snoring. He came rapping at the door, stating that we can't hide in here forever.

Luckily, we managed to get Herc to stop snoring by propping him up slightly to straighten his trachea, before the mentally deranged person got to us. After that, he presumably left, and the rest of the night went by with no other disturbances.

Still, a few of us wanted to be ready for anything. I feel my eyes droop as my body begs to rest. With a tired blink, I scan over the rest of our group. Everyone sleep, while George III and Alex chat quietly, so as not to wake anyone.

Submitting to the will of my body's exhaustion, I close my eyes and let my body relax. Within seconds, I've fallen asleep.

(Time skip brought to you by sleep)

When I wake up, my head instantly pounds, probably due to the uncomfortable way I was sleeping. I stand up and stretch, and head to the kitchen, helping myself to a bowl of cereal.

The sounds of noise floats in from the living room and I head in there with my bowl of cereal. I see everyone crowded around in a circle, save for George III, who I assume is sleeping. I settle in the circle between Angelica and Thomas, and rest my head on Angelica's shoulder. Who knows, maybe since it's the weekend, we will get a break from this horror story. I eat my delicious cereal, my Berry Colossal Crunch, and listen in on the talk. 

"We need to go get food. We can't stay holed up in here all of October, we need food, and sunlight, and fresh air." Alex states, and based on the bags under his eyes, he hasn't slept at all. 

A murmur ripples through the circle of the friends I've come to know, and Angelica pipes up. "Alex, we agree with you, but you need sleep. You didn't sleep at all."

"And I'm doing fine, I'm good. Let's go shopping." He says, and tries to get up, but Burr pushes him down again. 

"Wait for George III to wake up, and let Peggy and George III eat." He says calmly.

Alex rests his head on John's shoulder, and I snap a picture, for memories, you know. Then, my phone dings. 

<Unknown> I'll give you every Saturday of the month off. Just be careful as to what you say. I'm still watching you guys.

I pass my phone to Angelica, who passes it to Eliza, who passes it to Burr, and it keeps going around until Thomas hands me my phone. 

"Well, I guess we got today off." A quiet voice pipes. We all look at the person next to Thomas, James Madison, and we all chuckle. In between giggles, I manage to say, "Yeah, I guess so. Now we don't have to worry about dying while shopping." 

Then King George III walks out, "What'd I miss?" 

John, the only one able enough to form coherent sentences fills him in. 

At least we won't have to worry about dying today.

A/N~Sorry, I know it isn't as long as normal, but, eh... anyways, this is yesterday's date, as you can probably tell, so to get back on track, I'll update again later. 

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