Monday, October 23, 2017

15 2 5

Alex's POV


How to describe the immense pain that took place the day I got stabbed? It was a sort of white pain, so painful, it almost didn't hurt at all. I had an out of body experience the whole time I was unconscious, up until I started waking up, that is. 

I saw myself being carried as though I were as weightless as a rag doll by Herc, John sobbing uncontrollably, with Laf trying to comfort him. My heart broke when that happened. I then floated up to my dorm to see Sam being comforted by Charles Lee, Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy all grouped up, and George III all alone, looking out the window. I curl up my hands and stare at the scene, completely helpless in the situation. 

Poor George III. He doesn't get enough credit for all the credit he gives us. I experimented with my new found powers of sorts. I could go through walls, but I couldn't  pick anything up. I saw John stay up all night, by my side, and I saw when George and Martha came over before that night, I watched them hug John tightly, as though he would fall apart otherwise. 

I saw John have to be escorted out multiple times by first Eliza, then Laf, and then Peggy. I followed behind them all three times it happened, watching and feeling useless during it all, and ashamed, knowing that I caused all of this. 

I saw Angelica cry for the first time, and I saw Laf and Herc try to hold themselves together for the sake of everyone else. At the end of it, everything started to fade again. It all just became, dull. And then, the pain seeped back in, my body presumably being halfway between my body and whatever state I had been in for almost all day. 

And then I woke up, in slightly excruciating pain, John shooting up beside me. He didn't want me to move at all, but I didn't mind, because he was beside me the whole time, and knowing that made it all okay.

Now, back at the present day, I don't think anyone knows that I saw it all. I think that they think that it's all just a hole in my mind, a spot of oblivion, something never to be known for the rest of my life. But, I do remember. I wont tell them. Actually, I'll tell John. I can trust him. 

I roll over to face him, this is the way we've been sleeping since everything began. Sharing the same bed, but not in an inappropriate manner. Anyways, I look at his perfectly chiseled face that looks so peaceful, while he's sleeping. Wait, that sounds creepy. 

I tap him on the shoulder, trying t wake him up. I get no response. I try to wake him up by poking him, tickling him, tapping him, and pushing him but nothing works. So, I resort to my final choice. 

"John," I whisper, letting my voice rise at the end. "wake up."

No response. Jesse, this guy sleeps like a rock. I feel butterflies explode in my stomach, nerves building up. But, I have to wake him up, and this might be the only way. In one swift motion, I swing myself on top of John, and press my mouth to his cheek, and pull away quickly. 

His eyes shoot open, bolting up straight, as he looked straight at me, his face reddening uncontrollably. I flash an innocent smile at him. "Good morning John." I exclaim.

"Lex?" He asks, his voice hoarse from sleep.

"Yes?" I question.

"Did you just...kiss my cheek? And are you...sitting on me?"

"Yeah, I have to talk to you, and I tried everything else, but you wouldn't wake up any other way, so I had to." I say, and feel proud of myself for not stuttering and blushing. 

"Ok, so let's go talk." He states, and swings his legs off of the bed, hoisting himself to the ground.  I follow suit, and we walk quietly out of the dorm, not even bothering with a note, and head to the lobby of the boys dorm building, where there is chairs, TV, and at this time in the morning, no one to overhear our conversation. We sit downing one of the two pieced sofa's and I fiddle with my shirt hemline, thinking of a way to launch into what I want to say.

" remember what happened last Wednesday, with the whole...stabbing thing?" I ask, cringing. There's no way to put that lightly. 

John nods, his eyes filling with tears. "Yeah," he whispers. "I felt like I failed to protect you, I didn't leave your side as much as possible. I was so scared that you were going to..." He trails off, his voice catching. I take a hold of his hand.

"...die." He finishes, his vice barely audible, head down. I see a crystal tear drop from hid face.

"I know. I saw everything." I whisper back to him, lifting his face to look at mine, pulling him into a hug. 

He takes a couple of minutes to recollect himself, and then pulls away, looking at me on shock, a million questions in his eyes. "But how?"

"I don't know, it was a weird out-of-body experience of sorts. I saw everything that happened. I'm sorry." I say, my voice laced with sorrow. 

"Why are you sorry?" John queries. 

"I shouldn't have gone out to begin with. None of this would have happened if I had stayed put." I reciprocate, my voice dropping dramatically to a whisper.

"Sh, it's fine." He cooes, pulling me into a hug this time, and I bury my neck into his shoulder, relishing in the warmth he radiates. 

A low thud sounds from the other side of the doors after a couple minutes of John and I sitting in each others embrace, pulling John and I apart. I walk to the door, thinking it's someone who doesn't know how to open a door, and John seems to think so as well, since he stays put. I place my trembling fingers on the doorknob, and twist it open, and all the blood drains from my face.

I shut the door and look at John. "We have to get up and warn everyone." I say, grabbing his hand and running up the stairs just as the banging starts.

"Lex, what's going on?" John asks, starting to panic a little. 

"Zombies. Didn't think they existed, but they are down there, and have a craving for brains, undoubtedly sent by whoever, or whatever is doing all of this." I inform him, all the while tugging him along, hoping that he won't doubt me. 

Luckily, he doesn't. He follows me, and we same the door open, closing, and locking it behind us. I shout orders at people hurriedly. "There is a zombie invasion. Warn the other students, Eliza. Everyone else, gather potential weapons and block the door. We have no time to waste, and if it comes down to it, we'll have to battle these zombies, so be prepared."

Everyone sets to work, taking my word on what's going on.

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