Monday, October 30, 2017

13 3 3

John's POV


Yesterday, we couldn't find George III. He woke us up, but no one knows where he ran off to. All except for John Church. He might have known something. When we questioned him, all he said was, "Lee and George III were talking, and he told me to wake up Sam, pivoted on his heel, and walked out the room. I don't know what the conversation between George III and Lee was, I would ask Lee, he might tell you were George III went." 

I hate Lee so much, but we had to go ask him, since it seems that he's the only on who knows were George III went. When asked, he looked off and said nonchalantly that he had no idea where George III went, and that they only had a simple, friendly chat. I doubt it though, Lee hates George III. 

By then, Angelica started to panic. To her, George III is pretty much her son. She cares for him, and besides, George III is like a child. He's a bit shorter than Alex, and acts like a child almost all the time. There's no way that George III would just leave without a reason though. Where is he hiding?

Eventually, James mentioned that we should check Burger King since it was where George III wanted to go anyway. We headed to Burger King, and looked inside, but we didn't find him. When we exit, I spotted what seems to be a Burger King crown. I pointed this out to our group, but everyone besides Alex and Angie brushed it off. So, I told them to head back to the dorm, and that we would  continue the search. It would be a better solution for Sam anyway. He's crying, and has been for maybe an hour now. Lee had his arm wrapped around Sam, holding him close to his body. An unknown fire burned inside of me, and I was questioning my anger at this, when I realized that I'm angry because of Lee. He acts like an angel around Sam, but a devil around everyone else.

Alex grabs my arm, and I looked at him in shock. He shakes his head, and I look at his hand, taking in the fact that my hands are clenched in a fist. Oh. I relaxed my hands, and smiled at him. Angelica smiled at us, before worry set in her features again, and she motioned for us to head toward where I thought I saw the crown. I lead the way, grabbing a hold of Alex and Angelica's wrists, leading them across the street, and to the bridge. 

I scanned up and down the bridge, but couldn't find the crown. "But, I just saw it. It was there a few minutes ago." I protested, sticking up for what I saw. 

"I know. I saw it too." Angie clarified, while Alex nodded his agreement. Essentially, that's how we spent the whole day.

Eventually, we had to leave it for the night. We resolved to go back to searching the next day. I woke up, worried about George III. It was really cold yesterday, I can only imagine how cold he was. Angelica appeared right in my face a second later, not making a sound, and scared the living daylights out of me. I let out a small shriek, waking Alex. "Get up. We have to find George III. You have two minutes to change, hot chocolate for my metaphorical son is on a thermos in the kitchen. I made us coffee. Hurry up." And just like that, she's left our room.

We dress quickly, not wasting any of our two minutes. When we finish, we head to the kitchen, and see Angie waiting by the door, thermos' of coffee and one hot chocolate in her hand. After we put on our shoes, she hands us each a thermos, and heads out the door, not speaking a word. I know she's only worried, so I don't fear her silence. 

Angelica's phone beeps while we walk back to the Burger King, to see if he's in there. She looks at her phone, her pallor reducing to a lighter shade of her skin. I tap her on the shoulder. "Angie, what's wrong?" She turns her phone screen to us.

<Unknown> I see how dear your George III is to you. I'd almost venture to say that he's like your son, is that right, Angelica Schuyler? It would be a shame if anything happened to him, wouldn't it?

We both look up at Angie, fear consuming all three of us. (I low-key can't believe tomorrow will be the last update.) "Whoever is doing this won't lay a finger on George III." Angie says, clearly angry. 

And then an idea pops into my mind. "Angie, I'm going to try and call his cell." She face palms, the idea never occurring to any of the three of us. But, she nods at me to give it a try. Somewhere in the Burger King we're in, the music for the Spongebob theme song starts to play. It's then that we know he's here. 

We decide to continue to let the phone ring, to see if he would pick it up. He doesn't. It rings and rings, until we get sent to his voicemail. Then, Angelica actually runs over to where the music came from, looking at him, tears filling her eyes. She truly missed him. When we get to him, we see his so-blonde-they're-almost-white curly hair shaking slightly. He's hunched in a ball, and Angie approaches the booth he's sitting in, and we sit on the opposite side, blocking an exit should he try to run. 

She pulls him out of his ball, and instead wraps him in her arms, encasing him in her protection. That's when we first see the careless George III break down in tears for the first time. His body violently shakes, and Angie pats his back, letting him let out all the stress. When he finally manages to stop, I end up being leaning against the wall, Alex taking a nap on my chest. George III hesitantly separates himself from Angelica, and looks at the table, scratching at it. He occasionally sniffs, and Angelica softly asks him what happened. 

George looks at her, and I can see the tears welling in his eyes, so I decide to wake up Alex while George III collects his thoughts. "I-uh, I don't really want to get too into it, but Lee said something, and it-and I let it get to me. I'm sorry for running off like that. I couldn't take it any more. I had to get away from my thoughts. I'm sorry."

Alex looks at him, rubbing at his eyes. "Don't worry, it's fine. While we're being truthful, I've thought of running off sometimes." I look at Alex in shock, hurt filling my eyes. He's quick to add, "But not recently." And grabs my hand, kissing my cheek really quick. 

That doofus, I can't stay mad at him when he does things like that, so I smile at him, putting my arms around him and hugging him close. Angelica hands her 'son' his hot chocolate, when I remember that she made Alex a coffee. I'm going to have to talk to her about that later. 

"George, how do you feel about going home?" I ask him, and relief floods his face, right before his stomach growls rather loud. 

Angie looks at him, slightly confused. "Did you eat at all yesterday?" She asks, and he shakes his head.

"I had no money, so I couldn't buy anything." So Angelica insists on buying him something from the menu here so he can get the Burger King he wanted, and I look at Alex. Angie and George III left to go get food, so Alex and I converse in hushed whispers.

"I would fight Lee, but Washington said 'no fighting or else.' And I don't want to know what the 'or else' will entail." He says, anger filling his features. 

"Then I'll fight him, as soon as we get back. He can't get away with what he did. George III is basically a child, he's no harm at all."

"John, don't get hurt, ok? Don't throw away your shot." Alex whispers, grabbing my neck and resting his forehead on mine, looking into my eyes.

I can't lie to Alex. "I'll try not to." I say, filled with determination.

Lee is finally going to get what he deserves. 

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