Wednesday, October 18, 2017

26 3 8

Alex's POV


After what we heard happened on Laf and Herc's walk, none of us wanted to go outside of the safety of our building again. More specifically, the safety of the dorm. I curl up to John's side, who, the instant he heard what had happened, wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me to him. I didn't mind though, I played with a curl that happened to land right above my head, tilting my head up to watch the curl bounce up and down. 

Everyone else saw this and 'awwed' at how "adorable we were." Peggy took pictures. I could feel my face redden, and I hid my face in John's body, taking in the scent of his cologne. Heavenly. I hear even more sighs of how 'cute we looked,' and the sound that an iPhone makes when you take a picture, and felt my face flush even more.

A vibrating sensation ensued, shaking my head first, and then the rest of my body. I wrapped my arms around his stomach area, before realizing that he was laughing. Feeling slightly uncomfortable at the position I was in, I moved around to make myself comfortable, still trying to calm myself down. Hey, you sit with your head at the level of your shoulders, arms wrapped around someone, while sitting in a criss-cross position.

I move around so my left arm rests on his leg, my head resting on my arm, and my other arm around his back. I lay on my stomach side, and while my stomach doesn't actually touch the ground, and my legs splayed behind me. I tilt my face so it's in facing John's shirt, and close my eyes slightly. 

It's almost as though...I could...just...doze off...

~~Time Skip brought to you by Orchestra~~

I groan and open my eyes, face to face with, a green setting. I panic a little, thinking I've done something to my vision, before everything floods back into my mind. The air getting warmer than my liking in my small little hideaway, I turn my face out toward the world. My face is met by a cool air, and I instantly shiver, wanting the warmth again. And then, I notice my arms are around John still, but instead of being around his stomach, they've slipped to around his waist. No joke, they are right on top of his hip bone. My face flushes slightly, but I keep my face to the world, and reluctantly let go of John's body, sitting up in the process. 

John turns to me, probably just noticing that I've regained full consciousness, and smiles at me, his face happy. I can't help smiling back. "Everyone is eating in the kitchen, I didn't want to bother you, so I got George III to bring us pancakes. I say us, because they also thought to make you pancakes for when you woke up, and George III brought it in along with mine. But, I wanted to wait for you before eating, so, here we are.

I nod, rubbing my face, and grab my plate, and look around for the remote. When I finally locate it, I turn on the TV, and the theme song for the show Spongebob Squarepants plays. I notice that there isn't any maple syrup on my plate, nor is there a bottle around me, and I get up to go check for a bottle after nearly falling due to the lack of use of my legs for a couple hours. 

I search in the fridge, and find nothing. Did we seriously run out? Angelica comes up to me, and taps my shoulder. I turn around and look up, her height holding quite a few inches above me. "You ran out of money. No one ate yet, due to not wanting to eat without maple syrup, so we don't know what to do."

"I'll just have to run out quickly and get some at the store." I sigh, not trusting the outside world after what happened in the dorm building a couple days ago. 

Angelica opens her mouth to say something, but I cut her off before she can say anything. "I'll be fine, I'm just going to go down to the shop across the street. You can keep an eye on everything, notify me if someone suspicious enters, and I'll drop everything and leave if anything is threatening my safety. Just don't tell John. Or Laf and Herc. They won't want me to go, but more specifically, John. I need him to stay distracted. Don't let him notice my absence. Ok?" I ask in low tones, just in case John may overhear our conversation. 

Angelica hesitates, doubt flickering on her face, followed by worry, before she sighs, reluctantly nodding. I smile, my insides tensing and relaxing, nervousness ebbing and flowing through my veins. 

I'm dealing with what could be a life or death situation. I have a right to be nervous. I grab my wallet from a drawer in the kitchen, and silently leave the dorm, trying to not alert John that something is off. I run down the steps and out the building, the chilly air raising goosebumps on my arms as I curse myself for not remembering to bring a jacket. Oh well. I dash across the street, looking both ways before doing so, and push the doors open to the store. I'm right in the reach of the bottle of maple syrup when my phone rings obnoxiously loud. It's Angelica, so I pick up the call.

"Hello?" I say in the phone while grabbing the maple syrup.

"Alex, get out of there, I saw a...person, I think, it was hard to tell because they were wearing all black, walk into the store, after tucking a knife into the jacket. At least, it looked like a knife from the window. Hurry up. John is starting to wonder what's taking you too long. "

I nod, aware that she can't hear me, saying, "I'll be there in three minutes, I just have to buy the syrup."

"Alex, leave the syrup. Hurry and get back, or I'm going to have to tell John what happened."

"Ok, ok, I'm right in front of the checkout, I'll be there soon. Bye." Then, I hang up, not allowing any further protests from Angelica. 

The employee rings up the maple syrup. "$2.84 is your total." He drawls, and I roll my eyes. This is the problem with people. They all hate their jobs. If you hate it that much, find a job you want to work in. 

I hand in the money in cash, and grab my bag of maple syrup. As soon as I open the door and am faced with the chilly air, I see a panicking John reach an arm out to me, and shout my name, before I feel a searing pain in my back. I crumple to the ground, pain erupting and spreading through my being.  

I have just enough time to see an angelic face, realizing it's John, and realize what's happened before I black out. I've been stabbed by the mysterious person Angelica was talking about. Why hadn't I listened to her?

My last thought before I slip into the blackness of unconsciousness is-

"Don't let anything happen to my beloved John."

And then, the world slams into blackness. 

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