chapter 1

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How This All Began:

I am a young girl who life wasn’t all fun and laughter. At the simple age of 6 was when my whole life was turned up side down. At the age of 6 my mom died because of an overdose, and by the time I turned 7 my dad had became an out of control alcoholic who would abuse me. It was one time when he had beat me so hard I couldn’t go to school for a week. By the time my 8th birthday went by I had already been moved to 11 foster homes. I could close my eyes and remember all the lonely nights i cried, there was one point when my eyes couldn’t never stop crying. They put me through therapy and do you think that worked? No. there was nothing anyone could do to make all the pain and anger that I carry till this day go away. Hope you don’t think that my horrible life stops there, because at the age of 14 when I should of been in school getting my education, I was actually walking around carrying the bay of my foster dad who name is Cody Bronson. I can remember the nights when he would tell me that he loved me and that nothing was ever going to happen to me,but it looks like he loved me a little to much because when my foster mother Maria Bronson was at work he would sneak into my room and sexually abuse me. How do you think people looked at me?. Her mom died from an over dose, her dad is now an out of control alcoholic, somewhere down the line everybody knew something was going to be wrong with there daughter. Oh yeah i bet you guys are wondering my name, my name is Emily Santos, and this is how my life began.

On July 19, 1991 I was born in Feather River Hospital in Paradise,California. I was a chubby 11 pounds 8 oz and 17 inches baby. I was born to my parents Elisabeth Santos and Luis Santos. You see how that all sounds as if life it was all good, well it wasn’t!. My mom was a drug user so when I was born she burned me with the pipe she was using. About my baby years I really don’t know about, but I know that she burned me with the pipe because I still have the scar. On February 19, 1998 5 months before I turned 7 I came exhausted from 8 hours of school, after walking up 10 flights of stairs and going through a bunch of drug dealers ( the ones my mom buy from) , I hate those jokers! They don’t know that they are selling to a child’s mother and that maybe that is killing her in the inside, but as long as they are getting there money they don't care. Anyway while im walking to my door there this bad aroma that caught my attention it smelled like burning baking soda or maybe cocaine. So I rushed looking for my house keys, ( which were inside of my coat pocket) but as soon as I get to my door the smell is now getting stronger. So now im crying because the first thing that’s coming into my mind is my mom. As tears fall in to my tremblingly, crinkly hand I notice that the door is finally open. As I rush into the house there's smoke all over the living room. As I look to the left side, right beside my bedroom I see the smoke coming from the kitchen. Soon as I realize where the smoke is coming from I zoomed into the kitchen just to find my moms body on the wooden floor. I desperately tried to wake her up, but it wasn’t no use she was gone already, heaven really wanted an angel. I can remember the last words that she told me. Right before i left to school that very morning she was telling me good bye but I just didn’t no it, these are the last word me and and my mother had......

“Honey me and you have to talk, I want to let you know that whatever happens to me good or bad I’ll always love you, mami has been going through a very bad addiction and hope to get better but it looks as if life is not going any where for me but don’t you worry you keep on with your life and know that in your little heart I’ll always love you”.

“okay mami, you know I will always love you”.

After that short conversation 8 hours later I came home to find her body right in the kitchen floor, I miss my mom dearly she was the one that I can go to when she wasn’t high. life for me did really change when my mom was gone it was like I no longer had any happiness.

author note: this is my frist and i wanted some comments to tell me weather or not you guys want chapter 2 :)

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