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🚫Not proof read cuz I'm lazy af🚫

Brendon's P.O.V.

Y/N just left a few minutes ago, and my phone won't stop buzzing.

"Hello?" I said as I answered my phone.

"Ugh... finally! You picked up!" Said Sarah from the other line.

"Sarah! Sorry, I was taking a quick shower and I didn't hear my phone" I lied.

"It's fine, when are you coming back home?"

"Oh, In  few weeks"

"Did you do anything today?"

"I just got back from the movies with my friends"

"Who's your friend?" She asked.

"Oh, you know, I'm with Pete's cousin...Jake..." I replied.

"Ok, did you guys have anything to eat?"


"I'm near McDonald's right now, I'm going to get you guys some food, could you send me Jakes address?"

"O-Um... you don't have to-"

"No, it's fine, I insist"

I greeted my teeth together and told her the address.

"Thanks, I'll call you when I get there, Love you!!"

"I love you too!" I said and ended the call.

-time skip to when Sarah arrived-

I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Sarah carrying bags of food.

"Hey!" She said as she carried the food to the kitchen table.

"Where are they boys?" She asked, looking around the small apartment.

"They left to... Buy some groceries..." I said.

"Oh, well.... do you wanna wait for them or...." she asked as she walked towards me.

"No need, they'll be back in a few minutes." I said as I took out the box of fries and began to eat them.

Sarah sat next to me as we ate the food in awkward silence.

"So... this is where Jake lives?... it's a bit small... don't you think?" She asked, taking a sip of soda she bought in McDonald's.

"Yup...." I said as I twiddled around with the happy meal toy Sarah got for me.

She got off the chair and wondered around, she came across both Y/N's Room and Ashley's. I didn't realize she was gone until I heard a door creek open. I ran up to Sarah as she examined Ashley's room.

"I thought Jake was a boy..." she said in a confused tone.

"He is... um... this is his sisters room, Anna" I said.

"Oh...." she then expected Ashley's room and in Y/N's.

"Let me guest, this is Jakes room?" She asked as she saw band posters hung on the wall and a few band shirts laying on the floor.

"Yup..." I was relived that she thought Y/N's room was 'Jakes' room.

She continued to snoop around and picked up one of Y/N's CD album.

"Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge..." She read out loud.

"Freak" I heard her say, under her breath.

"What was that?" I asked, not quiet sure what she said.

"Cool, he likes MCR!" She said as she plastered a fake smile on her face.

She glanced at the time, "6:38pm, I think it's time to leave" She said, pulling me outside with her.

She pulled me out the apartment and stopped near my car. I put my hands on her waist, "I love you" I said as I leaned in and gave her a kiss. I pulled away and realized there was a small mark on in between her breast.

"What happened?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Oh, I-ah, Woke up to random bruises on my body" she said, trying to covert mark up by wrapping herself with her jacket.

"She's doing it again...." I thought to myself.

"Ok, well, see you next time! Bye! I love you!!!!" She yelled as she hopped on her car and drove away.

I didn't reply, I just smiled a fake smile and waved her goodbye. I walked back in the apartment and tried to contact Y/N.

I tried to call Y/N but she didn't answer.

Brendon: Hey, are you still at school?

Brendon: Hello? I'm trying to cal you, please pick up...

Brendon: Y/N? I'm starting to worry, are you ok???..

I placed my phone down and plopped my body on Y/N's bed, I looked up at the ceiling, hoping nothing happens to Y/N. Random thoughts ran through my head as I turned to face a blank wall. My eye lids began to get heavy. Eventually, I shut my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Yass, I decided to updated twice in one day!!!. I hope this makes up for not updating in awhile!!!

Till next time, Byeeee!!!

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