final tour

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Brendon's POV

Its been months since Y/N left me... I was so stupid. I can't believe I did all those things to her. My temptations got the best of me.

"HelloOO?? earth to Urie?!" Nicole said, snapping me back to reality.

"Sorry.." I mumble, cleaning my throat as I shook my head, trying to clear my foggy mind.

"You good bro?" Mike asked.

"Yeah.. You've been zoning out so frequently, are you good?..." Nicole spoke up again.

"I'm good.. just thinking thats all..." I say, forcing a smile on my face.

They both open their mouths to speak but thankfully was interrupted by one of the stage crews, informing us that the show was starting. Nicole and Mike get on stage first. As the opening song starts playing, I walk in and began to sing. Today was our final show on tour. Its a relief to have a few years off  from touring across the world. Although we get to relax,  it pains me knowing that I wouldn't be seeing or interacting with fan anymore.


Once the show was over, I head off stage and walked to my dressing room to wash up for our drive back to L.A.

"Hey! We should go out for drinks to celebrate once we get to L.A.!!!" Mike recommended as I walked out of my room wearing my "what the fuck is a beebo?" shirt with black skinny jeans and my hair slightly damp.

"HELL YEAH!" Nicole screams behind us.

They stop to stare at me with a pleading expression on their faces. With a slight shake of my head, I face the ground with a small smile formed on my lips. "Sure. I'm down".

They practically jumped around like a child opening presents on their birthday. With y/n still on my mind, I continued to keep my head hung low as I walk to our bus. I walked pass the bus driver who was too busy on his phone to even realize that people were present in the bus, past my band mates whom I tuned out as they invited me over to hang with them in the kitchen/dining area, and slumped down on my bed.

Mike parted from the group and sat on the edge of my bed. "You ok bud?"

"Yeah, I just can't stop think about... you know..." I sighed as I run a hand down my face.

"Are you still up for the bar tonight? Maybe it would help your brain out a bit" He chuckled to lighten up the mood.

I was starting to have second thoughts of going with them or not. Though, to come to think of it, he has a point. Maybe drinking as much as my body could contain tonight would distract me for a while.

"Sure..." I say with a crooked smile on my face.

He patted my back and gave me a reassuring smile before joining the group once more. As I settled on my bed, the bus driver finally starts the engine and drives off.

After a while of staring at the bottom of the top bunk, the bus finally comes to a halt  in front of a club. "Let's go!" Nicole says, pulling me off my ass and dragged me into the bar with the rest of the crew.

"Brendon, Nicole, over HERE!" Mike yells from across the building, motioning Nicole and I towards him.

As Nicole and I walked up to him, he held up shots of vodka with the stupidest grin on his face. He handed us the cups once we reached him.

"Let's get fucked up!!" He says as he they rose their glass up high.

I downed the vodka and made a face. The flavor was disgusting but the feeling of the burn did slightly satisfy me.

I harshly slam my cup on the counter and held up two fingers for two more shots. The bartender slides them down to me and I downed it quickly.

"Woah... you gotta take it easy Brendon" Mike says.

I tuned him out and asked for more. I could already start to feel it kick in but I didn't mind. I needed something to take my mind off of Y/N for at least a few hours, and right now, it's liquor that's going to keep my mind off her.

With several shots consumed, Nicole and Mike pulled me out of the bar and sat me in one of the couches. They handed me a cup of water to sober up then soon after left me to dance their asses off in the crowd. Without their supervision, I didn't even take a sip of the glass that sat in front of me- No way did I want to feel sober.

Scrolling through my feed, I came past Ashleys post with y/n tagged in it. It was posted 15 minutes ago. It looked like it was taken in a club that we're at right now, though, that thought was pushed aside and something else caught my attention. Y/n was rapped up in a guys arms with drinks in their hands. Next to them was Ashley and Zac, they were practically sucking each others face off in the picture- which disturbed me but not as much as Y/n being rapped around a random guy who's basically eye fucking her. If I were there, I'd snatch y/n out of his grip and punch the living soul out of him.

With a frustrated sigh, I shove my phone back in my pocket. I quickly stood up causing my head to spin. I push the feeling away and drunkly made my way back to the bar, passing through the crowd.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard a familiar voice. My eyes shot in the direction of the voice and I mindlessly followed it.

"Nick... stop" They say softly.

My eyebrows furrowed as I got closer.

"I mean it this time. Stop" I hear them say a bit more sternly.

"Get off me!"

My eyes go wide and my body froze.


"Y/n?" I breathed out.


A/N: OOF! I know.. Im an awful writer- I haven't updated in such a long time. Ive run out of ideas and I don't now what to do with this book anymore. Im not saying im discontinuing this book, because I am not, but I haven't been in the writing mood at all, thats why I haven't updated in so long. I'm not trying to make an excuse, I just want to clear things up and be honest about me not having any ideas for this book. I just want to say sorry in advance if I don't update often. Ive been working on this chapter for a few months and I keep deleting and rewriting everything it in because I wasn't happy with result of it but thanks to one of my friends, they kept nagging me and told me to update and gave me a few ideas for the book.


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