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Brendon's POV

I followed Y/N out the apartment, making sure she doesn't spot me. The Diner cafe wasn't far from the apartment, it only took 5 minuets till we arrived. When she entered, I watched her outside as she sat down and began to talk to- what's his name again?- Josh?.... I know that stalking Y/N was wrong, but, I couldn't stand the fact that she's out with some random dude.

As I sat outside, I received a text from Sarah

Sarah💍: Hey Bebe! Missed u! <3

Brendon: Hey...

Sarah💍: What's wrong?

Brendon: I don't want to talk about it...

Sarah💍: aww ok, but, when your ready to talk, I'll always be here! <3

Sarah💍: remember, I love you and only you 😘

"Yeah right..." I whispered to myself.

I set my phone back in my pocket and continued to spy on Y/N's date.


Josh and I sat on our table as we waited for the food we ordered. We talked and got to know a bit about each other, he seemed like a really cool guy.

"I Actually have a band, my Friend, Tyler, is part of it." Josh mentioned.

"Really? That's cool!" I said with a smile on my face.

"What's the band called?" I asked.

"Twenty-One Pilots!" He said proudly.

"Oh! I've heard of you band before- I used to listen to you guys a bunch of times when I was in High school, it got me through rough times!" I said.

"Thank you guys-by the way!" I added.

"That means a lot!" He said, pulling me into a hug.

We pulled away once the waiter came by with our food. Josh and I thanked the waiter before he walked away.

As we ate, Josh mentioned the phone call we had earlier. Once he mentioned it, I remembered that I had to explain to him, so I did. He kept a neutral facial expression as I finished explaining.

"Oh.... now I get it... I'm sorry he did that to you.." He said, sounding sorry.

I smiled weakly as I tried my best not to cry. After our meal, I invited Josh to my apartment, he agreed and we walked out back. During our walk it felt like someone was watching us, I kept turning around to see if someone was following us, but, I saw nothing, so, I shrugged it off. When we arrived, we stepped inside, I realized that Brendon wasn't around, but at the moment, I didn't want to think about him.

Josh sat on the couch as I searched the fridge for beer, I opened a couple and offered some to Josh. We watched movies as we drank.

15 minuets has passed and Brendon wasn't home. I decided to drink a few more beers to push the thoughts of Brendon away. Soon, I drank 4 bottles and I started to get tipsy.

"Hey, you ok?" Asked Josh, who was sober.

"Y-EAH! I'm per-fectly fine.." I swirled.

I was about to take another sip of my beer when Josh swooped it away from me. "Hey! I was drinking that you Know!" I whined in a drunken tone.

"I think that's enough beer for you" He said.

My head started to spin, I lay my head down on Joshes chest. He placed his hand on my head as he runs his fingers trough my H/L, H/C, hair. I smile at his touch.

Brendon's POV

Seeing Y/N cuddling with Josh made me fill with jealousy and anger. Y/N is mine, and only mine- also, she's fuking drunk! She can't really mean those actions... right?


"You know... I think I like you!" I said, looking up at him and leaning closer to his face.

"Y/N, your drunk.." He said.


Brendon's POV

I saw Y/N lean closer to Joshes face, I scrunched my hands into a fist.

"You better not kiss her- you bastard!" I said under my breath"


"You don't mean what you sa-" I cut Josh off my placing my lips on his.

At first, his body filled with shock, but he later kissed back, this time with passion.

We pulled away as we hear the door fling open. I sat on top of Josh and saw Brendon stomping inside. He pulled me off as he began to throw punches at Josh.

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