Ashleys Tips and Tricks

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—— A/N: 200 READS!!!! I CAN'T believe THIS!! Thank you sooooo much for voting and reading my crappy stories!!!!! ILYGSM!!!🖤🖤🖤

—— A/N:  200 READS!!!! I CAN'T believe THIS!! Thank you sooooo much for voting and reading my crappy stories!!!!! ILYGSM!!!🖤🖤🖤

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///— anyways, back to the chapter!!!—///

Y/N's P.O.V.

When Ashley and I arrived, we went to Forever 21 and searched for and outfit to wear at the nightclub. After hours of searching, me and Ashley found an outfit for me to wear.

We went to the cashier and checked it out. Then we hopped in the car and drove back to Zac's apartment and did our hair, make up, and got dressed.

(Im too lazy to describe their outfits so I'm just gonna show pictures of how their hair, makeup, and outfits look)

[Ashley's look]

[Ashley's look]

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[Y/N's Look]

Once we finished, we ran back to the car and drove to the nightclub

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Once we finished, we ran back to the car and drove to the nightclub.

-Time Skip brought to you by Patrick's Fedora-

When we arrived we had stepped in line, which wasn't that long, we waited 10 minutes until we were called to enter. When we entered, the Club was crowed with people dancing on the dance floor. Ashley dragged me to the bar and sat me down.

"Vodka!" Ashley shouted as she held two finger up for the bar tender.

I sat down looking around the club, as We waited for our drinks to arrive; lights shot around, people tripping over other people, groups of people chugging a bottle of beer.

"Hear ya go!" Said the bar tender as he placed two shot glasses filled with vodka.

Ashley took both glasses and handed me one, I took it, I started at her with a worried look on my face before taking a shot.

"WHAT?! Your 21! It's not illegal for you to drink anymore!" She yelled over the crowd of other people yelling.

I took a deep breath, in and out, then, without warning, I took the shot. My tongue burned, considering it was my first time trying Vodka. I squinted my eyes through the pain, Ashley laugh as I suffered.

"Pussy!!" She yelled as she drank her's and showed no reaction.

"AM NOT!" I whined and order 5 more shots of Vodka.

"Take it easy!" Said the bar tender as he handed 5 shots to me and Ashley.

I quickly chugged down 2 shots to prove that I was NOT a Pussy!

"Ok! ok! I get your point!" Ashley giggled.

She took her second shot and before she could reach for another, I took it instead.

After 7 shots of Vodka, I started to get tipsy, but I wasn't wasted- YET.
Ashley decided to stay sober and watch over me, just Incase I go crazy.

We stay seated in the bar as we waited for more Vodka to arrive. I realize Ashley glancing at boys as they walk by me.

"Could I give you a few tips?" Asked Ashley with an evil smirk.

"SuRe!" I said sounding really drunk, I didn't really know what she meant by 'tips'. Tips on what? How to get over a heart break?!.

"If you want attention from hot guys- show them what you got!" She exclaimed.

"whAT Do you mean? WHaT do I goT?" I asked confused.

She rolled her eyes and tried her best to communicate with my drunken self.

"He looks cute- right Y/N?" She smirked at me.

"W-what? W-HO?!" I hiccuped.

A tall guy with red dyed hair, arms filled with tattoos, walked by, Ashley stuck her foot out, causing him to tumble down on the floor, in front of me. I gasped and helped tried to him up, But I struggled to stand up strait, I ended up tumbling on top of him.

"You ok?" He chuckled.

"Yes, sorry about that" I said, getting off of him.

Ashley walked off and gave me a wink and a thumbs up before she left the bar.

"Josh!" Greeted the red haired man.

"Y/N!" I greeted back.

We started a conversation, talking about random stuff, we got to know a little about each other, like what we like to listen to, what are our hobbies and what not. Soon, he had to leave, and asked me for my number.

"Sure!" I said, looking for a pen.

I finally found one and wrote it on the palm of his hand. I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on his cheeks and watched as he exited the club. I struggled to walk back to the bar and ordered more drinks.

-Time Skip-

I had 17 shots of Vodka, I felt like shit. My vision was blurry as fuck! I stepped out the bar and tried to look for Ashley. As I was looking, I was pulled back by a man.

"Hey there sweetie, are you lost?" Said the blurry man. I could quite see how he look. At the moment I was being touched inappropriately, I felt him rub my breast with one hand as the other travel along my thighs, I was being harassed, but I was to drunk to know what was happening.

"GET YOUR HAND OFF HER!" Yelled a familiar voice.

I turned my head to face another man, blurry from my perspective, of course. It looked like a tall guy, hair slicked back and he had tattoos on his arms as well. I smiled thinking it was Josh.

The man pulled me out of the other blurry mans lap and sat me in, what looks like his car. I look up at the tall man with slicked back hair and smiled at him as he drove away.

-Time Skip-

When we arrived, we stepped in an apartment, it looked a lot like mine, the last thing I remember was that he placed me on the bed and tucked me in as he slept beside me.

"Thank you Josh..." I murmured as I fell asleep.

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