Everyone agrees children are miserable creatures
Mere children say dreadful things
What of it if those things are true
And shouldn’t be spoken in polite company
Should we not blame the parents
Who refused to dress you in clean clothes
Or forgot to bathe you before school
Children are miserable creatures with dreadful things to say
Although many of us have not apologized
For our part in your psychological torture
I hope you have melded into society
A productive citizen with tons of friends
For even if you’re still weird
Weird is a normative feature seen all around
If one only cares to look
Weird was something one could live with and accept
But what if weird comes packaged
In clothes worn the day before and smelling of urine
Well, mere children will say dreadful things
We don’t care for polite society
We only live for the truth
And the truth was you should blame our parents
For releasing us dreadful creatures to the world
Or society for not treating its ails long before we walked the earth
For children are products of their society
And while your parents may not have been able
To spend the time or money to ensure
A crisp new you everyday
The society should have hugged you
And made the ails go away
For children, as miserable as they are,
They only ever speak their truth
As dreadful as it may be
So as I look back at my childhood
And remember your face and name
I hope name didn’t become faceless
Or the other way around
Which may be all the same
And though we may all be weird
In each our own little way
I wish you all the joy and happiness
That children had stolen away
With great pride I ask you
To reflect on the ails of our society
As not the dreadfulness of children
But the invisibility of the helpless
And raise with me a better future
As I know you do not still wet the bed
Who I Am
Thơ caCollection of poems that speak to the human experience. Love, heartache, bullying, writing, find the record of the event here! Embrace what you know, leave preconceived notions at the door and unwind with Who I Am.