Solidarity is for Miley Point-of-View # 1

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  • Dedicated to Addi Shannon

She is just a child of twenty

Exploring herself and her world

She should not be chastened

For expressing her sexuality

The grown, married man on stage

Miming smacking her ass

That is a different story

His wife should be ashamed

She should divorce him

She is just a child of twenty

Realizing her potential

So what if she wears gold grills

And takes “selfies” with middle fingers up

Appropriating culture is her right

As black bodies with teddy bear heads

Dance behind her we must recognize

Those women could have said no

It is their fault they were objectified

She is just a child of twenty

Discovering juxtaposition

Between barren industrial lands

And bared breasts and bottom

Swinging on metallic pendulum

The grown men who give her advice

It is for them to feel humiliation

For telling her what to do

They should be fired or castrated

She is just a child of twenty

Unsure of how to break the chains

Of her Disney channel image

Dancing on poles and

Redefining blackness give her

The ability to escape the

Oppression of society

It is we who should be ashamed

Society should stop holding her down

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