Dana goes into labor

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"Hey. Are you okay?"Bella asked once we pulled away

"Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon"jacob said I hit his chest

"This is pretty important, Bella Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided?"Rosalie said

"What now?"Jacob asked

"Dana and Rose are trying to talk Bella out of her baby names"edward said I punched his shoulder

"they hate them"bella said

"Well, then I'm on your side no matter what you picked"jacob said I looked up at him

"really? Is this what our relationship has come to?"I asked him he just laughs

"They're not that bad. If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob"bella said

"Okay, fine, that one's not awful"rosalie said

"barely"i said scoffing

"Why don't you tell him the girl's name?"Rosalie told her

"I was playing around with our moms' names. Renée and Esme And I was thinking... Renesmee"bella said I had to stifle my giggle at Jacobs expression

"Renesmee"he said

"Too weird?"she asked

"Um..."Jacob trailed off

"yeah...."I said but Edward cuts me off

"No, that's not too weird. It's beautiful. And it's unique, which certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee"he said she gives Rosalie and I a look

"He likes it"she said Bella goes to take a drink of blood but the cup falls she tries to reach it

"Bella no!...."but it was too late Bella's back breaks my eyes widened and I felt water sliding down my legs Edward catches her before she hits the ground

"Jacob!"I screamed in panic the babies were coming and they were coming now

"you guys take Bella I'll take dana"alice said suddenly by my side she leads me to the bathroom

"have you ever done this before?"I asked Alice as she turns the water on warm

"no have you?"she asked me

"Alice!"I hissed at her I was gonna die I accepted my fate now

"I'm joking Dana I've seen it done on the internet"she said that didn't make it any better

"oh my god"i breathed

"do you trust me?"she asked gripping my shoulders

"yes more than most"i said

"then get in the tub"she said I did as she said she helps me out of Jacobs sweater

"take deep breaths"she said before she heard something

"I'll be right back"she said before quickly leaving not giving me the time to protest alice returns with Rosalie and a baby she cuts off the water

"where's Bella?"I asked they both frowned

"Dana she didn't make it"rosaile said

"no she....."I was cut off by Alice

"shh relax"she said I nodded sitting back

"Alice!"I heard Edward call her she looks at me

"they're here"she said she then leaves I looked at Rosalie

"pass me Jacobs sweater"i told her

"but Alice said..."I cut her off

"I'm the only one who can stop them plus I don't want my brother to die"i said she sighs

"fine but if you go into labor outside don't say I didn't warn you"she said giving me the sweater I put it on and went downstairs hearing fighting

"Paul Anthony Lahote stop!"I said they all stop looking at me

"you kill her you kill me too"i said Sam moves forward simply ignoring me

"you think I'm joking?"I asked him I took out a knife I grabbed from the kitchen

"do it go ahead take another step and see how fast I can shove this knife into my heart"i said

"Dana"edward said I looked at him I then heard running

"Stop!"Jacob said grabbing the knife and tossing it away

"It's over! If you kill her, you kill me"jacob said Paul goes to attack but Jacob shifts into a full wolf that was a stab to the heart

"Jacob imprinted. They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law"edward said they back off into the woods I shook my head and ran back inside I sat on the toilet as my shoulders shook the tears fell and I couldn't stop them

"Dana"i heard Jacob say

"go away"i said he comes in anyway

"no not ever"he said crouching down to my height

"you imprinted"i said as he wipes my eyes

"just because I imprinted doesn't mean that I'll be with her romantically"he said

"but..."he cuts me off

"an imprint means that I can be anything for her a friend a protector"he said

"so what now?"I asked

"now we get these babies out of you"esme said

"You ready?"Emmett asked me I smiled

"hell yeah"

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