Chapter 1

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Sonic and The Harmony of Chaos - The 8th Emerald

Ch. 1

By: Cutegirlmayra (I've been wanting to do this story for a long time. Yes, I'm still working on Metallic Need edits for season 2 and then I'll work on Instincts edits for its season 2. But it's nice to have other projects to focus on as well. That way, if I get tired or lose motivation in one project, I can work on another till I find motivation for it again. It works for me, anyway. Enjoy this story ^-^ EDITED: Everything's just going through edits for updates, no sweat ^^ Also, probably going to combine chapters, giving you more to read and fewer awkward spaces in chapters! :Db win for everyone, I'd think? Someone requested I update this too, so I'm working on a bunch of stuff right now, but I'm trying to keep in mind who wants what updated and all :) Here we go!)

Long, long ago... when the planet was still but an egg full of unfathomable energy just floating in the magnitude of space... two beings of immense power gazed upon what would be known as our world.

Soon, they combined their strengthsone of mass destruction, whose ocean blue created the seas and powerful earth, paving the way for mountains, deep rivers, volcanic creators, ravines, and streams... His masculine ability also created the creatures that would be the fathers of all living. He gave his infinite power time to wane, that destructionalthough inevitable—might not consist continually forever, but eventually die.

The second was much gentler, with energy consisting of the pink, newborn makeup of beautiful life. She used her power to create flowers, trees, and fruits to grow within the chaotically sprung earth. She made the winds ascend over the raging seas to form the floating skies, and grass both above the land and below the tides to give harmony and order to the wilds of nature. Beauty and serenity to an otherwise catastrophic world. Her feminine ability created the mothers of the world so that her power of creation might never fade, and that destructive chaos may never destroy all harmonious life.

With this, the breath of life might always thrive and be forged upon the world, while the ancient ruins of old provide for the new, and the cycle may never truly end. With this partnership... This union of opposites, together, created what was known to us as Order.

The Order of life and destruction here on our planet, as endless and eternal as both water and air... planted the foundations of our world. Through the births and deaths of its creatures, the two were hailed as Gods, and decided to watch over their creations, continuing to invent and destroy so long as they both... were one in purpose.

However, our people made a grave error. In seeking to conquer through war the power of control, that elusive, unfathomable treasure that forces wicked desires into the hearts of men... we tricked the gentle Goddess into using her power to create the Chaos Emeralds, powerful stones that gave our people what we sought. Wielding the immense powers of both time and space, though still not fully understanding what we had wrought, we abused her motherly kindness and committed the gravest of sins...

For our chief... wanted more.

No matter how many wars we won in the name of protecting our culture, people, beliefs, and traditions... seizing unrighteously the unholy conquest of land, the unforgivable, merciless extinction of our enemies, and so much more tears and bloodshed of the innocent lives our people devoured in their search for a complete, total reign... even our own,... our Chief sought nothing more... than to gain the very power of controlling the gods.

In great desire for the power of the gods, our chief convinced The Goddess known as Harmony to create a Master of all the Emeralds she had created. He deceived her into believing the power was to store away all the evil within the world, which he would defeat and control for righteous purposes. In her angelic trust of her creations, she willingly created the Master Emerald, and then... was attacked by our forces.

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