(Mullette) - Marry me?

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-Herc's POV-

I strutted down the hall, passing different rooms. I was looking for Washington's office. Alex told me it had a small, tiny, American flag on the middle of the door. How cute.

At last, I finally found it. I inhaled deeply, fixing my navy blue coat. Here goes. I knocked on the oak wood door and waited for an answer. A muffled 'come in!' was heard from the inside before I slowly opened the door. The room was pretty large for a normal office. Of course, the floor was carpeted with an attractive pattern. A bookshelf on one side of the room while the other side had a rectangular mirror and a small table with a flower vase on the middle. Beside the vase was a picture frame. I was too far to see the picture so it was quite blurry.

"Mr. Washington, sir!" I saluted him. He stood up straight and saluted me back. I walked over to him as we both sat down in sync, me sitting on one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Hello, Hercules. Do you need anything?" He asked, fixing some papers and placing it down beside another stack of papers. I gulped, fiddling with my thumbs as I thought. He seemed to notice my nervousness and decided to ask me,

"Herc, is everything alright..?" He placed his hand on my shoulder making me look at him. George would treat us like his sons. But this is the only time he's shown this much affection to me. He's usually close to Alex, Laurens, Laf-- Oh shit! Laf!!

My eyes widened as soon as I remembered Laf. "Sir, there's something I would like to ask you..." I said. He nodded and removed his glasses, "Go ahead." He sipped his cup of coffee.

"I am going to propose to Lafayette tomorrow." I said blatantly. He spit his coffee making me move the chair back. I stared at him in shock and fear that he would yell at me but he didn't. Not even a little bit. Except, he just stood there in shock, the corner of his lips starting to form into a smile.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled and wiped the coffee off of his mouth. "That's..Great! I am really proud of the both of you!" He smiled and stood up to hug me.

I laughed and pulled away, "Thank you, sir.." I smiled at him. Before we could start talking he calles in a janitor guy to clean the mess on the floor. When we were finally alone, he started to talk. "So, how do you plan to propose to him?"

I scratched the back of my neck and shrugged, to embarrass to share my ideas. "Well, I just kinda thought it would be super unexpected and romantic. Like surprising with all the cheesy stuff.." I said. He nodded and rested his chin on the back of his intertwined hands.

"But, Herc," he said. "Make sure we start early. We leave the camp by noon." He said in a serious tone. I nodded and thought of how it would start.

"Last question before you leave."

"Yes, sir?"

"Are you ready?"

-timeskip tomorrow-

Alright everything's in place. I sighed and smiled to myself. You can do this, Herc.

You can do this.

-Laf's POV-

"Monsieur, what's this all about?" I asked my friend - John - while he lead me to an open space nearby. "Relax, Laffy. Just follow me and you'll see." He smirked making me even more confused and worried.

We stood behind a tree and waited for a bit. I cocked an eyebrow as I watched him dug in his pocket, pulling out a red handkerchief. "What's that for?" I asked.

He smirked and covered my eyes with it. He tied it tightly behind my head but not that tight, just enough for my eyes to open. "I told you. You'll see once we get there." He chuckled.

"Okay..." I said. I felt him gently grab my hand and led me somewhere I didn't know. But I could tell we were still near the open space. I heard footsteps and shuffling making me even nervous. God, this better not be some kind of ambush. "Alright, Laffy. You could take it off now."

John slowly took off the blindfold and quickly ran to..

The group of soldiers infront of me..?

On top left were four soldiers while at the top right were three. Infront of them were soldiers kneeling. The left one had five while the other had three. What are they doing?

On the middle was a long lime green carpet that blended with the dark green grass. It was more like a red carpet from all those celebrity awarding and stuff (wait Laf--).

At the other end of the carpet I could see Washington standing at the side, more like waiting for someone. I raised an eyebrow at him which he returned with a shrug and stepped out of the way revealing my...


I got even more confused as he walked to me on the carpet. He was holding a bouquet of green flowers with a purple one in the middle of it. On his other hand was a small red velvet box.

As neared me I felt tears starting to form in my eyes, knowing what would happen next. At last, he finally stopped in front of me. I covered my mouth and quietly sobbed tears of joy.

"Hey Laf." He smiled and handed me the bouquet. I removed my hand and playfully nudged him, taking the flowers. "H-hey Hercy." I laughed (heh).

I carefully watched him as he kneeled on one knee infront of me. I laughed and tried to look anywhere but him. He looked up at me and smiled sweetly, "Lafayette, I know we have been together for eight years already," he laughed to himself.

"Four years of friendship, four years of love. But, I want more than that. We may have ups and downs. We may fight a lot but Laf I still love you. I want to spend the rest of my years with you and only you. I want to grow old with you. Maybe even have kids.." He stopped. I looked at the soldiers behind him.

The first group raised four letters written on wood. It said 'W' 'I' 'L' 'L'. Even more tears spilled from my eyes as I watched the others raised the letters.

'W' 'I' 'L' 'L'

'Y' 'O' 'U'

'M' 'A' 'R' 'R' 'Y'

'M' 'E' '?'

I looked down at Hercules who was looking at me all this time with a sweet smile plastered on his face. "Laffy, will you marry me?"

I cried and nodded my head. "YES!" I smiled and hugged him as he stood up. A chorus of cheers and claps echoed around us as we kissed each other. I felt him smile while we kissed making me pull away. "Je 'taime, Mon amour." I said and pecked his lips.

"Je 'taime aussi.."


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