(Laurens/Reader) - Coffee

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It was a bright sunny day. You decided to have a little snack in the café down the street, near your apartment since your mother didn't leave any food for you. You wore your (F/S) and a pair of jeans.

As you entered the caffeine scented shop, A tall, freckled-face boy greeted you with a bright smile plastered across his face. He had Brown curly locks that bounced as he walked to the counter in a rush. Along with him was a short man with black straight hair that was tied into a ponytail. He had a small goatee on his chin and his apron was stained with coffee.

"Hi there! How can I help you today?" He asked. You started to look at their menu. Your stomach was already grumbling at this point. The smell was killing you. You haven't eaten a single crumb of bread since this morning.

"I'll have one (F/D) and a slice of Ham and cheese sandwich, please." You told him politely while fiddling with your thumbs. As he started typing in the computer screed thingy (idk what to call it), you scanned his beautiful frame.

He had beautiful brown eyes that matched his brown curly hair. His face was covered with freckles that made him 10x more cute. His pink lips that would smile everytime he talked. You didn't realize you were staring until he snapped his fingers in front of your eyes. You quickly fell out of you fantasies as he looked at you confused.

"Are you okay, miss?"

"Uhh..y-yeah, I was just th-thinking of things...." You stuttered out an apology, as you looked down a blush spreading across your cheecks.

"I'm sorry Mr. Uhh..."

"John Laurens. But my friends call me John."

"Oh, s-sorry John. I really didn't mean to stare..."

He let out a small chuckle. "It's fine, miss. I actually get that a lot." You quickly shot up, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Wait, really?" You didn't expect that other girls would do that to him. "Yeah, some would end up flirting with me," He said with a laugh. God, you loved that laugh.

"But, I just politely decline, saying that I don't really have time for it." He smiled at you and you smiled back. But that smile quickly turned into a shock expression after realizing you haven't played yet.

"Oh shit! Uh, here!" You quickly handed him some money. He gladly took it putting it in the cash register. He got a cup and a Sharpie, looking at you with a questioning look.

"Mind if I ask your name?"

"Oh! Um, it's (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)..." He scribbled down the transparent cup and handed it to one of his workmates.

"Alright, (Y/N)! You could sit down for a bit and we'll just call your name! Yeah?"

"Alrighty!" You smiled and thank him before picking a table and sitting down on a chair.

This can't be. You thought. Do I actually like him? No. I just met the guy! You don't even know much about him yet!...I mean, he does look kinda cute..oh shit..

You hurriedly took out your phone and typed a text to your best friend, Angelica.

To satisfiedroaster: Angie, I need your help. I think I have a problem.

From satisfiedroaster: what kind of problem? A hair problem? Food problem? Weather problem? A love problem?

To satisfiedroaster: I uh...

From satisfiedroaster: hmm?

To satisfiedroaster: it's a love problem...

From satisfiedroaster: Ah, yes. A love problem...

There was a bit of a pause betwe--

From satisfiedroaster: A LOVE PROBLEM!?!? HOLY FUCK (Y/N)!

There it is. Your phone buzzed repeatedly while Angelica sent a lot of questions.

To satisfiedroaster: woah, easy there. It's just a little crush. Nothing special >///>

From satisfiedroaster: Mhmm..

From satisfiedroaster: aw FUCK! Hold on (Y/N) Gotta go! Peggy stole my popsicle.

To satisfiedroaster: okay then.

You sighed in relief knowing that you could finally relax. But you were kinda nervous about later. Angelica's gonna shoot questions to you later about the "small crush" you had on John.

"A (F/D) and ham and chesse for (Y/N)!!" A man with brown dark curly hair called out to you. He sounds French. You approached the counter and handed him your receipt.

"Ah yes, (Y/N), Is that right?" You nodded and took your drink and food.

"Well, you see ma belle, my friend here has a little message for you." He said with a smirk. You slightly tilted your head with a confused expression. He chuckled and just pointed at your cup.

You looked at your name at your cup. There was small message written there.

You seem pretty nice. Maybe after my shift we could go to the park near by. Just call me when your ready. 0991 715 9901 ;) - John

You felt your face heat up. Did he just...asked me out? On a date!? You looked at the cup for a minute before smiling at the Frenchman.

"Tell him I'd love too. We meet at 6." You smirked turning to leave the shop. You heard a faint "YES!" as you walked out.

God, you can't wait to tell Angie what happened.



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