Chapter Eight: Thank You

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Todoroki //

When Izuku says goodbye to me and goes back into his cottage for the night, I sprint back through the hills outside our castle walls as fast as I can. I didn't know I could run this fast. I guess the fleeting thought of my father finding out about everything and all the pain I'll have to endure if that happens is a lot of motivation to make me move quickly.

As I enter the castle again, I'm careful with my movements, trying not to make any sound. I don't see my father or mother around as I'm sneaking back to my room, and that helps calm me down a little bit. I hope they weren't looking for me. I don't even know how long I was with Izuku today. I feel bad that I slept through a lot of it.

Seeing him is a luxury that I can't always risk...I shouldn't be missing out on it.

Slipping out of my clothing and into my nice pajamas reminds me of the day I had. Izuku is so distracting. Everything about him.

His hair. His stupid, bright, fluffy green hair. Every time I look at it I want to run my slender fingers through it, pulling him close to me.

And his freaking smile. It's blinding. That smile has probably killed thirty other boys just like me and I'll be the next victim. I wonder what him smiling into a kiss with me would feel like...

I don't have time to imagine it, not that I could possibly fathom the feeling, because my father bursts into my room without hesitation. Luckily, I had just finished putting my pajamas on and hiding my commoner's clothing into my wardrobe.

Even though that does soothe my nerves, there are even more urgent thoughts forming in my brain pan that don't make anything any better. I don't show any signs of stress to him, though. If he does know something, that'll definitely give it away before I could even have a chance to lie.

His voice booms throughout my room like the sound of thunder. "Shouto. Where have you been all day? I've been itching to talk to you, and you suddenly disappear. Nobody had seen you anywhere."

"I was all over the place," I say, and his scowl deepens.


"Outside," I begin, he clenches his fists. "In the royal gardens, mostly. I came back to my nook in the library, though. I slept a while, too." I keep my answer concise, hoping it'll prevent me from saying anything that'll expose me.

"It's interesting you say that, Shouto. I had castle staff looking in every corner of the castle, including those places you say, and you were nowhere to be found. Don't you find that odd?" He's speaking through clenched teeth. I keep my expression cold, though. No matter how angry he gets, he won't phase me.

"Huh. Yeah, that is odd," I retort. "Maybe you should have looked yourself. You always have an easy time finding me, don't you?"

I walk away from him, getting tired of glaring at him as I snap at him. Just looking at him makes me angry, and I don't want to tap into the rage-filled side of me after such a good day. I want to climb into my plush bed, hoping to dream and relive all of the great moments from today, but his angry yelling stops me dead in my tracks.

"Shouto. You will not walk away from me when I am speaking to you, you got that?"

I nod hesitantly, with a slight bit of annoyance in my expression. I really don't want to drag this war on any longer than it needs to. Can't it wait until morning when I've recharged my energy and actually have smart things to say?

"I'm tired of this. If you don't stop disrespecting me and going against my guidance, there will be consequences, and I can assure you, you won't like them. After your magic tricks today, you're walking on a thin line. I've got my eyes on you."

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