Chapter Twenty-Four: At Peace

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Todoroki //

I rush back to the main square. I didn't know how long I had been lost in thought for or how far I had wandered away from him, but I knew that it was enough to make him worry. I knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't take my sudden absence lightly. For all he knew, I ran back home. He would never know why.

I rubbed my tired eyes one last time before I walked back into the crowds. There seemed to be ten times the amount of people now than before I left. Drawing closer to where I had left my three friends behind, I could see that they hadn't moved. Izuku stirred apprehensively where he sat next to Eijirou and I immediately felt the weight of that mistake fall onto my shoulders.

My shoes scuffed against the cobblestone streets and Izuku immediately looked up to meet my eyes. He didn't even hesitate to stand up and run into my arms. He buries his face into my chest, wrapping his arms around me tightly and protectively. There's no way I'll be getting away from him again. I take in his scent and kiss the top of his head, forgetting why I ever walked away in the first place.

"I was so worried."

"I'm sorry... I never meant to hurt you."

"I know. Are you okay?"

"Now that I'm back with you, yes..." I say and I feel him squeeze me tighter. "I just needed some time to myself for a moment... I guess I'm just getting used to all of this..."

Why do the lies come so easily to me now?

"That's okay. I understand."

He takes my hand and we sit down again. Inside my head, I try to pull myself together so I can make a better impression with these people. Though, it's hard to decide what I want to say when my thoughts have scattered themselves in three thousand different places. Have I made myself suspicious by becoming so uncomfortable at the word 'prince'?

The possibilities are endless.


I watch the sky silently, admiring the way the falling sun creates such a beauty display of color. I never let go of Izuku's hand, almost out of fear that I might want to leave again. Just holding on to him reminds me that I have no place back home. At least, not anymore. My father destroyed everything tethering me to that place.

My eyes wander to the people next to me. Izuku, Eijirou, Mina and even Ochako, Tsu, and Katsuki who joined us not too long ago, are all happily conversing. I could join them if I wanted to. I don't, but I can't help but let my eyes travel from each of them, studying their expressions and how they talk to each other. These people they want to be social, they might even want to talk to me.

It's almost weird to think of. I've never had a group of people like this around me. Trapped inside that castle for so long, I probably didn't have more than three friends for years, if my siblings don't count. It's so interesting to be faced with something like this. And although it's strange, my heart doesn't reject the idea. In fact, it's really something I could get used to.

This new life with Izuku is something I could get used to, even though I was hesitant at first. Getting used to new things was never really my forte.

The sunset slowly falls under the horizon, meaning the fire in the middle of the main square will spark up soon. My heart beats with excitement for all of it. I've never seen something like this. I try to remember anything fairly interesting like this we used to back home, but I can't. It's nothing but miserable memories, which makes me wonder why I stayed so long.

Why did it take me seventeen years just to realize I had a choice?

It doesn't matter much anymore. I waited the perfect amount of time to leave. If I kept waiting around, there's the chance I wouldn't be here right now. I lean my head onto his shoulder, reminding myself of the comfort he gives me. Upon feeling my presence on him, he turns his head and plants a gentle kiss on my forehead. I can't help but smile and close my eyes to let the warmth sink in.

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