Bad boy- Imagine

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"Aye yo wassup girl?" Carl came up from behind you.

"What do you want now Carl?" Carl has been trying to get at you for a while now.

"You babygirl." He said.

"In your dreams
Gallagher." You kept walking home.

"Baby you are my dreams" he said like he says that to all the other bitches he be trying to get at.

"Can you stop? Im just trying to mind my own Business and that's really hard when another fuck boy keeps bothering me" you said that to him to get him to leave you alone.

"Ouch! That hurt! Come on let's go have some fun!" You always ignored him. Well tried to.

"Alright then. What you tryna do?" You said to him.

"How about we head back to my place and we grab my car and head out." You already knew him.

He was Carl Gallagher. The bad boy. The boy that asked to go to Juvie. He was exciting though. You Never know what he was up to.

You both headed back to his place, the Gallagher household.

"Alright you ready ?" He asked once you guys got into his car.

"Where we going?" You asked

"Like I asked, to have some fun." He began to drive. It started to get dark.

"Check the glove box if there's any weed." He said. I opened up the glovebox. There was. I took out the small bag of weed and began to roll up a blunt on the dashboard.

I sparked the blunt and took a hit. I put the blunt into Carl's mouth for him to take a hit.

Carl parked right next to a store.

"You down?" He asked you.

He reached into his backseat and pulled out two masks. You reached down into your bag and pulled out a gun.

"Fuck it Let's go"

he handed you the mask. You put it on. You both walked into the store. You quickly shot the security cameras. The guy behind the register put his hands up.

"Put the money in the bag!" You pointed the gun at the man. While Carl watched him put the money into the bag.

Carl grabbed the bag and you both ran out. You ran into the car and drove off.

"Well that was fun!" You yelled and kissed Carls check.

"You're amazing." He said.

He parked under some random bridge. I climbed onto his lap in the car. You began to kiss his neck leaving him hickeys.

You looked into Carl's eyes.

"What a bad boy." You said to him.

"What a bad girl" He said back.

You began to make out with him. You take his shirt off and he takes your off.

"Wait!" You stop him as he kisses your neck.

"What's wrong?"He stops.

"I think we should wait for this." You look into his eyes.

"Alright Anything for you baby." You get off of his lap and sit back down into the passenger seat. He began to drive you home.

Once he pulled up to your house. You gave him a kiss.

"Keep the money." You get out of the car and walk towards your front door.

Carl doesn't leave until you get inside.

Carl Gallagher ~ imagines\smutsWhere stories live. Discover now