" bad times "

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- the next day at yoongi, hoseok, and namjoons's apartment -

Jimin sat beside all his friends watching a movie and eating popcorn while awaiting for his fiance's arrival. Jimin and tae were planning on announcing their engagement tonight to all of their friends once taehyung got there.

Finally jimin broke the silence, " I wonder what's taking taetae so long ? " " hes probably just stuck in traffic dont worry " " yeah I'm sure hes fine dont worry chim " namjoon and yoongi explained. " yeah I guess so....
I think I'm gonna call him "

Jimin picked up his phone and dialed tae's number.

T: " hey baby what's up? "
J: " nothing but what's taking you so long we're waiting on you to ya know... "
T: " I know chim I'm sorry I had to pick up a few things on my way to the apartments, I'll be there soo- "
* boom*
J: " Tae? Tae? TAE??? "
T: *no response*
J: " you re scaring me tae... "
* the phone call is cut off *

" so where is that bastard anyways chim? " " .... uh.... hes on the way.... he mut've lost service....." " oh okay he better hurry up! " " uh .....yeah"

Jimin sat back down trying to stop the thoughts of his fiance taehyung getting hurt while driving. " hes fine ... yeah definely... he'll be here soon.." he reassured himself.

Suddenly tae got a call from an unknown number.

J: " hello? "
UN: " are your Mr. Park Jimin? "
J: "yes sir I am"
UN: " sir your friend taehyung has gotten into a car crash.. a bus went over its lane and wrecked into him... his car is totaled and Mr. Kim is in critical condition, he is currently being taken to Seoul central hospital for treatment "
J: *jimin covering his mouth sobbing* " o-okay ....t-t-t-thank you o-officer "
*call ends*

Jimin dropped to the ground sobbing loudly.

" jimin ,jimin what's wrong? " namjoon questioned as him and the others comforted jimin. " we have to get to Seoul central hospital NOW! Ill explain on the way "


What do you guys think about this chapter so far?

Thank you for reading!!
much love to all ❤

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