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Danny had a girlfriend now. She was the definition of perfect— pretty, smart, determined and independent — and Danny loved that about her. You could tell from the way his eyes shone when he saw her and his mouth formed a real smile at her laugh. Danny showed her an emotion he had never showed me. He laughed, smiled and joked around with her in ways he found hard to do with me.

By just looking at them, you could tell that they would be together forever. Maybe if I had seen that in the corner shop, I would have dumped Danny right there, save myself all the heartache in advance. But I didn't listen to myself. Instead, I continued hoping and praying that Danny would be truthful and, for the first time in a long time, love me back.

But as the days went by and they got even more closer, the thought of danny and me getting back together was distant. I hardly went to the lunch hall anymore, not particularly excited about seeing Danny and her together, wrapped up in each other's embrace.  Instead, I stayed in the classrooms, pretending to want to catch up on work or ask my teacher a question.

I didn't want to see Alex either. All he did was comment on my weight and how I had gotten smaller drastically. Alex acted like the father figure in our friendship and right now, all I wanted was a simple friend. I would be lying if I said that I didn't want Danny but that seemed like a distant dream. I couldn't help but still feel the ache in my chest every time I saw him with her. It constantly killed me and if I could get rid of it, I would do anything.

I quickly finished up my work, glancing up at the clock noticing that it was almost the end of lunch. I shoved the remaining pieces of paper into my bag, slinging it over my shoulder, rushing out of the classroom. Just as I stepped out, the bell rang, the halls filled with people instantly and my worst nightmare came to life.


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