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Today was the day of the play. 

After months of preparations and practicing, we could finally end it all. Danny was backstage getting ready with a few other people. They had decided to recite their lines one more time, just in time for when they had to be on stage. I, on the other hand, was behind the curtain, peeking through, trying to see who was there. 

I couldn't see my parents but I wasn't shocked by that. I told them not to come. I didn't want my parents seeing me fumble on stage. I couldn't quite get my words right at practice so I don't know what made me think I would so well in front of a crowd. 

One could only hope.

"Jay," a voice called out. I turned around to see Alex standing there. "You good?" he asked, staring at me with worry in his eyes. I quickly smiled, rolling my eyes at him. 

"Alex, I'm good. Whats up?" I asked, walking towards him. Alex wasn't part of the play nor was he part of the equipment crew. In fact, when I told him I was taking part in the play, he simply laughed at me, reminding me of what happened in middle school. 

"I came to wish you good luck. I know how you are in front of crowds and all." 

I rolled my eyes at the remark. "Ha ha, very funny." 

Alex couldn't hide the smile on his face. I knew the memory made him laugh-- it made me laugh too from time to time. It was only 5 minutes on stage but it haunted me for the years ahead. Everyone pretty much forgot that it happened but not Alex. He wouldn't let me forget how I tripped on stage, falling face first into the props at the back.

How embarrassing. 

"Anyways," he said, pointing beyond the curtains. "Im going to be sitting in the front row so--" he grinned "give us a show." Alex turned around before I could say anything, making his way to the seats. 

"Motherfucker," I muttered under my breath, turning back towards the curtains. I breathed deeply a few times, trying to calm down. Its only 15 minutes I said in my head, trying to remember my lines. 

Only 15 minutes. 


The play was over. 

I couldn't be happier to walk backstage and throw off my costume. My jacket had begun to sting my skin and for the whole time on stage, it was all I could think about. It made me stumble over my lines, often occupying my whole attention. I would feel guilty about messing up a scene if the pain wasn't getting more and more irritating. 

After my teacher thanked the audience for watching, I promptly walked back to the dressing rooms, throwing the jacket in the corner. 

I pulled off my shoes, looking around the room, trying to locate my clothes. After a few seconds, I picked up on my black and red jacket sitting in the corner. I walked over, grabbing everything, intending to get changed in the toilets. 

As much as I enjoyed my play mates, I didn't feel comfortable changing in front of them. Especially since they all started pilling into the room, getting their clothes too. 

Everyone was talking about the play and how they did. I, on the other hand, didn't want to have questions thrown at me about what happened out there. 

So, with haste, I shoved my hand into my bag, pulling out my phone. Alex wasn't allowed in the dressing room area so I wanted to know where he was. I was going to get a lift in his car as walking in this weather was suicide. It was nearing August and the September sun wasn't there anymore. 

Unlocking my phone, I quickly set Alex a text, telling him that I was outside. I then began to scroll through my notifications, waiting for a text back. Minus the notifications from snapchat, there was nothing major there. No texts from my parents, and none from Marcus. 

I thanked God, hoping that he finally got the message. He had been texting me non-stop for the whole week, asking to meet again. At first I replied, telling him no that it wasn't something that interested me. But he didn't take no for an answer. He pushed and pushed asking me to face-time and speak to him. After a while, I just stopped replying. 

"Jay," I turned around, eyes still locked onto my phone. 

"What's up?" 

I looked up briefly, seeing Danny in front of me. "Oh, hi." I said, shoving my phone into my pocket as the POT notification sounded through the room. Nobody noticed it, everyone was too preoccupied with their own lives. Well, nobody except for Danny and me. 

"I just wanted to tell you that you did good. I know how nervous you were because of what happened in middle school and all....." He said, trailing off. Nobody wanted to mention what happened exactly. And they didn't need to. I knew what they were talking about already. 

I put my hand up, motioning for Danny to stop. "I get it." 

He smirked slightly, looking down. "Anyways, I just wanted to say that we were cool. It ain't deep anymore, we Gucci." He held his hand up for me to dap him. I looked down briefly, not hesitating to dap him back, a smile on my face. 




Honestly, uni hit me like a brick and before I knew it, I was swamped with work.

Its summer now though so, updates coming everyday. 

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