Chapter 2

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Destiny's P.O.V

I woke up from the sunlight shining in my face. I hate when it does that. It was already 8. I might as well get up and get ready for the day.

I got a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on some basketball shorts and a T-shirt to match. I got some black basketball shoes and put my hair in a ponytail. I got my phone and my special basketball and went downstairs.

"Hey mom what's for breakfast" I asked as Luke mom and dad were sitting at the table.

"There's pancakes and bacon on the stove." Mom said. I walked over and got my plate. I sat at the table and ate.

"Ok so today destiny is practicing for her game tomorrow I'm going to practice with destiny. Jackie your going to her game tomorrow right?" Dad asked mom.

"Of course I wouldn't dare to miss it" she said smiling.

"Well you missed all 7 championship games before. Why not the 8th" I said.

"Cause you never asked me!" She said.

"I shouldn't have to ask you to come to your daughters games!" I yelled back.

"Ladies ladies no fighting now." Luke said. I just went back to eating.

"Luke I don't know what your doing today so yeah." Dad finished our plans for today. I finished eating and went out to the basketball court. I started shooting then dad came out and played with me for an hour.

"Kay that's good now take a break. You can't work yourself out to much or you won't be able to play tomorrow" dad said going inside. I went inside also.

I sat on the couch thinking of what to do next. Its already 11:30.

I got on my phone, and played poker. I'm not gambling any real money so don't worry.

Then I got a text from cameron.

What I don't even have his number, but I read my phone

     ' Cameron
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What the actually fuck.

(Texting conversation)

Me: who is this

Cam: Cameron

Me: Cameron who?

Cam: Dallas

Me: how do I have your number

Cam: duh I put it in

Me: oh damn, okay 😂

Cam: anyway what's up

Me: just got done practicing , but bored I guess .... Hbu

Cam: at the hotel with the guys

Me: haha lucky you 😏

Cam: no not at all

Me: yes yes very

Cam: shut the fuck up they are annoying

Me: come over to my house, but be sure to bring the guys 😏

Cam: eww, but okay

Me: not ew they are hot okay damn

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