Chapter 7

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  High school wasn't something I was used to. I was traveling for most of my high school life and never really went to a school with other people for it. It wasn't the schoolwork that was hard. My classes were quite easy. But having a different room for classes, having different times for lunch each day, even the stupid cliques all high schools had were something I had forgotten about. I was used to working in a small room with a desk by myself. Everything would be quiet. I liked quiet. I had a hard time coping with people and how loud they were.

  Tweek and Craig and the others in the group were nice enough to let me sit with them for lunch and all that. But after school, they were long gone. They had stuff to do. Boy stuff to do. They hung out with the other guys in the grade after school, while all the girls would hang out with each other. Unfortunately for me, none of the girls liked me all too much. I would usually end up walking home alone and watching Law and Order for the rest of the day while doing any homework I got. I sometimes talked to friends I had made during my travels, but timezone differences made it hard to talk that much. So far, senior year was a long bore. I'm counting down the days until college.

  But weekends were different. Not because I was given a friend on the weekend. Sometimes that was the case with Tweek, but no. On weekends, the boys would always be messing around in front of Butters house. Fortunately for me, I lived next to him. They didn't let me hang out with them, but they were fun to watch. Believe me, watching seventeen year olds out in the snow pretending to be superheroes is the funniest thing. Especially when one of them, he goes by "Mysterion", wears his underwear over his pants.

  "Dammit, Toolshed! How are we supposed to save the world if you keep dozing off?!" Cartman-I mean "The Coon" yelled. Some of the boys were unrecognizable, but Cartman was one of the boys who you could recognize for sure. For obvious reasons.

  "I'm sorry, alright?! I've just got a lot on my mind! Besides,I don't know why you're so bitchy when you would call me useless all the time, fatass!" Toolshed called back. It was Stan. The black hair and blue eyes gave it away.

  "Hey! Don't call me fucking fat, you piece of shit!" The Coon whined. The Human Kite, who I'm pretty sure is Kyle, walked up to Toolshed, ignoring the Coon's tantrum.

  "Dude, you have been pretty off these past few days. What's wrong?" He asked. Toolshed was fiddling with his hammer instead of actually answering, so Human Kite sighed and gave up on him. This wasn't the first time this happened. I saw this occur many times throughout the week. It never ended with Stan telling them what was going on.

  "It's probably got to do with Wendy. It's always about Wendy," Super Craig rolled his eyes. Wonder Tweek silently nodded in agreement.

  "That's not true!" Toolshed objected, "I mean, it's not completely about's school too. Stress and all that." He said the second part with a more questioning tone. He made it up; it was obvious, but he'd never tell what he was really thinking.

  "Well, Toolshed, now isn't the time to be a pussy!" The Coon intervened, "Now is the time to forget about those bitches and continue making this world a better place, god dammit!" 

  Toolshed groaned in response, then took his glasses off and threw them at the Coon. "Whatever, I'm out of here," he said, turning and stomping off to his house.

  I watched him go and so did the boys. They all started to leave after that. The last one to leave was Tweek and Craig. Craig waved goodbye, then Tweek looked up at my window and smiled.

  "H-hang out tomorrow?" Tweek yelled up to me. I laughed and nodded, then watched him leave. The sun was setting by now. Saturday was almost over.

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