Chapter 21

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  If you thought that things would be awkward when I got to class the next morning, then you would be very, very wrong. In fact, as soon as I got to my locker, Kenny walked up to me with the same perverted smile he always has.

  "What's up, sugar tits?" He smirks, put his arm around me. I roll my eyes at him and choose to open my locker instead of responding.

  As soon as I closed up my locker, Lenny elbowed me and gestured to Stan. I looked at him, then gave Kenny a confused glance.

  Stan was at his locker talking to Kyle. Neither of them were looking at us, so Kenny decided to dramatically wolf-whistle at Stan, then run in circles around me.

  When Stan turned around, all he saw was my blushing mess of a face and a flash of orange running back and forth around me.

  "McCormick, stop being an idiot before you kill yourself," Craig walked past us and grabbed onto Kenny's hoodie, stopping him where he was.

  "Oh wouldn't you hate that, Craig Fucker," Kenny winked. Craig scowled and pushed Kenny into the lockers, then walked off to class or Tweek's locker or something.

  "Ow," Kenny pouted.

  "You deserved that,"


  "What? You did!"

  "Did not!

  "Did too!"

  "Did not!"


  "Excuse me, but could you please shut the fuck up?" Wendy cut us off. "This is a high school. Act mature for once,"

  Wendy walked past us, Bebe following behind her. When Bebe passed Kenny, she winked at him. Unlike what I expected, Kenny didn't wink back. Instead, he pulled a Craig and shot a middle finger at the two girls. Seeing this, Bebe gasped and walked faster, now speeding off without Wendy.

  "What a bitch,"

  "I thought you liked her, Ken,"

  "She's hot, but she's replaceable,"

  "I hope you don't treat all women like that,"

  "I'll treat my boyfriend better."

  "Wait, what?"

  Instead of answering, Kenny pushed me in the direction of Stan, then walked away. I hadn't even realized Stan had been watching our whole scene, but he was. He was staring at me the whole time.

  "Hey, Stan," I waved. Stan waved back. Kyle looked between the two of us, pushed Stan towards me, then ran off after Kenny.

  "Hey, Giselle. How are you and Kenny doing?"

  "Oh, we broke up,"




  I stared at him for a second, and it must have freaked him out or something, because he started blabbering.

  "I mean, you don't have to tell me. Only if you want to. Not that I want to know. I'm not nosey or anything. I just want to know that you're okay. But you would be. You're a strong woman, and I don't think you'd-"

  "Stan!" I stopped him, "Kenny broke up with me. But it was a mutual thing. We just weren't working out. It's fine,"

  "Oh, okay,"

  "Thanks for caring, though,"

  "N-no problem, Giselle,"

  Then the bell rang.

  "Guess it's time for class. Later," I sighed. I waved at him then started to walk to class.

  "Later," Stan said before running off in the direction of the bathrooms. What a weird kid.

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