Chapter 25

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{Stan's P.O.V.}

  I never thought it was possible to fall in love with someone while they were stuffing pizza crust into their mouth. Then again, it seemed Giselle could always surprise me.

  It wasn't only how cute she looked with tomato sauce on her chin, though. I was left shocked after she was asked to whistle for her pizza and was able to sound like a Disney princess. How she did it, I wasn't sure. But it was attractive, to say the least.

  Whistlin' Willy's was not the most romantic spot to eat at, but there were only so many options to choose from. He didn't want to go to SodaSopa because it was likely he'd run into Kenny, City Wok was always a bit creepy and he felt the owner would say something that would ruin his chances, the girls were always occupying the Italian restaurant, Tweek would be at his cafe, the Goths would be at the other coffee place, etc. Besides, Whistlin' Willy's brought back some nice childhood memories. Sure, he wasn't the best of friends with Giselle back then, but they talked every once in a while. He did remember playing some games with her here once or twice.

  "This place has not changed," Giselle laughed, eyeing the place. She was already finished with her two slices of pizza while I had gotten distracted.

  "It really hasn't. It's just like when we were kids," I agreed.

  "Like your tenth birthday," Giselle smiled.

  "You were there?"

  "No, Tweek told me about it. And then you started acting like an asshole," Giselle rolled her eyes, "You said everything was shit. And you were drunk, I think."

  "I guess I'm an asshole a lot," I sighed.

  "You're a cute asshole," Giselle smirked at me. Wait, WHAT?! Did Giselle just call me cute? Oh my god, I can feel myself blushing. I was supposed to be wooing her. This is not going how I had planned. I think I'm going to be sick again.

  "Give me a second," I smiled before getting up and dashing to the bathroom, ignoring her very confused expression. 

{Giselle's P.O.V.}

  I am such an idiot. Why did I call him cute? He broke up with Wendy a week or so ago; I can't just flirt with him. That would make me a boyfriend stealer, wouldn't it? But I'm not a whore! I'm not like them! Shit! He probably hates me. He probably just ditched me and isn't coming back. He probably is jumping out the bathroom window by now. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I hope he comes back. I hope I didn't ruin everything. Oh fuck, I ruined everything, didn't I? And things were finally going so well.

  In a minute, Stan came out of the bathroom and walked back over to me. He smiled, then looked at the pizza slices he still hasn't eaten yet. Dang, maybe I should've eaten his pizza.

  "I'm really sorry about that," Stan sighed, taking his seat, "I just mess everything up, don't I?" 

 "Not everything," I shrugged. 

 "What have I done right?" 

  "Well, you're here with me instead of with Wendy, so-" I cut myself off. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

  "I thought you and Wendy had made up? You guys are still fighting?"

  "No, we did make up. It's just that she still seems really suspicious. I think she's still mad at me. but I don't know."

  "Just give her a chance, Giselle. Maybe she will surprise you,"

  "I don't know,"

  "Come on! Maybe you guys will become best friends! Maybe you'll become partners in crime and fight in the zombie apocalypse together and-"

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