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Peter's POV: Flash Forward

"What the fuck?!" My eyes nearly bugged out of my head at the sound of Aunt May's shrill voice behind me, and I knew all too well what was about to go down.

I froze in my place, having to mentally coax myself into turning around to face her thin figure in the door frame. Noticing the red fabric of my mask still clutched in my hand, I quickly hid it behind my back and let out a nervous laugh. "Surprise?" I choked out, my head bent down a little in fear as I looked up at her still shocked state.

The red fabric suddenly burned on my skin and I was suddenly reminded of the first time I hid something from my dear aunt.

"You should probably sit down for this..."


Three Years Earlier

"Hey May, I'm home!" I called out, following the sound of the door closing behind me. Of course, the greeting was more of a habit, because I knew that she wouldn't be home today. I had been looking forward to this afternoon all day just for some time alone.

I dropped my backpack at the door, kicking off my sneakers in the hallway. I yanked the curtain closed on the far wall of my bedroom and pulled my grey hoodie off over my head. Unclasping the fabric around my chest, I begin digging under my mattress until I find the plastic bag which read "thank you" in a bold red print. From the bag I pull an ace bandage that frayed at one end and stained at the other.

Relaxing my torso, I wrap it around my chest as tightly as I can, securing in with one rusted clip. I pull the hoodie back over my head, and swiftly replace my ripped skinny jeans for the baggy pair that I had found on the subway last week.

Practically leaping down the hallway and into the bathroom, I section out my shoulder-length hair and begin sloppily pinning it up with large clips. A black beanie, which I keep in the bottom cupboard behind the towels, covers up my hair completely leaving only my bangs to show, which I meticulously arrange across my forehead.

I smile as I see my appearance, but I don't let myself stare quite yet. I unveil May's makeup bag, and dig through it until I come across a tube of black mascara, and a bottle of concealer that she bought years ago when she thought she was three shades darker. The mascara, I apply fervorously to my eyebrows to hide the fact that they were dainty and well kept, and the concealer I begin to spread across the lower half of my face.

Pleased with my do-over, I approach May's room and place myself in front of her full-length mirror.

I admire my male self from all angles, admiring the flatness of my chest and the boxy shape of my figure.

"Hey, I'm Peter," I grunt, the first words I've spoken all day. "Peter Parker. Peter Parker."

I jut out my jaw, spread out my feet, and roll my shoulders back, all the while trying to hold back my grin. Boys don't smile that much, do they?

The sound of the front door opening drains the blood from my face. The effects of my bound chest begin to set in, as each breath feels harder and harder to suck in. I rush towards the bedroom door but hesitate. I don't know if I could make it to my room in time, without her seeing me. Sure enough, I hear her footsteps approaching.

"I'm home, sweetie! Are you here?" she calls.

My eyes widen and I lurch backward into the room, slamming the door shut in my hurry.

"Hey! Hey, what are you doing in my room?" My back is to the door, as if I were more forcefully barricading myself in. "Okay, I get it if you need some space or something with all those hormones in your body, but at least do it in your room." I still don't reply, and she presses me. "What are you doing in there? For christ's sake, open up."

"Uh, it's uh- nothing! Yeah just... nothing. I, uh..." My voice wobbles, but I don't struggle to readjust it to its natural range.

"Honey, what's going on? Open up." I can hear the worry thick in May's voice. It's exactly the reason she can't know, the reason why I have to keep this a secret.

"You don't have to worry about me. I- uh, I'm hungry! How- how about you go get dinner started?" I say in a flurry of words.

"If you don't come out, I'm coming in."

I continue to press myself against the door, knowing full well that I can't keep her out. Sure enough, the door swings open with me on one side and May on the other. I cocooned myself in between the now open door and the wall as I sensed her approaching me.

"Sweetie..." she croaks, her hand grabbing my arm and spinning me around. This time I don't resist, but I don't look at her either.

This is your chance, Peter. Tell her. "I-" I begin to speak, and suddenly my eyes well up with tears. I know that if I don't do this now, I might never. "I'm a boy."

"You're a what?!"

I suck in a deep breath, "I'msorrythatIdidn'ttellyousoonerbutIwasreallyscaredtoandIstillamandI'msorryyoudon'thaveto-" I'm cut off as she practically collapses her arms around me.

"It's okay-" I hear her start to say my old name, but she stops herself almost immediately and pulls away to look at my face. "Just, wash up your face and we'll have a chat about this."

"Thank you," I mouth as I wipe the tears streaming down my face. "I love you, Aunt May."

"I love you too, nephew."


Please don't bind with ace bandages, or double bind with sports bras, or use tape!! It's not safe even just for a short period of time!

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